ATTENTION: On Sunday, March 30 the UC Berkeley Data Center will be doing planned maintenance that will shut down all services from approximately 2 AM PDT to 10:30 PM PDT. The SDA website will be offline during this time. We are very sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.


Click on "Abst" to view an abstract for a dataset. Each dataset is available using the most recent version of SDA (SDA 4), but often can also be accessed using an older version (SDA 3.5). We recommend that everyone use the latest version. However, if you can't always use the latest version, note that the SDA 4 dataset links use the same workspace for new variables (created by RECODE or COMPUTE) as the SDA 3.5 interface. This means you can create variables using either the SDA 3.5 or SDA 4 interface and use these variables with either interface. (Note: the Quick Tables links have been removed since the Quick Tables webapp is no longer developed or maintained.)

For video tutorials on using SDA 4 see the SDA YouTube Channel.

SDA Update: All datasets on the SDA Archive page that use SDA 4 have now been updated to use 4.1.6. Enhancements that have been made since the initial release of 4.0 include:

If you experience problems with the latest SDA 4 user interface, please try clearing your browser's cache.

Individual datasets contain their own search capability. However, SDA also provides a facility for cross-study search. Below you can search for variables in some of the most popular datasets in our archive.

Cross-study search for variables in General Social Survey, American National Election Studies and Survey of Consumer Finances

General Social Surveys (GSS)

November 21, 2023: the GSS Cumulative Datafile 1972-2022 (release 2) has been added below.

(Abst) | General Social Survey (GSS) Cumulative Datafile 1972-2022 - release 2 (SDA 4) New release!
(Abst) | General Social Survey (GSS) Cumulative Datafile 1972-2021 - release 3b (SDA 4)
(Abst) | General Social Survey (GSS) Cumulative Datafile 1972-2021 - release 1a (SDA 4)
(Abst) | General Social Survey (GSS) Cumulative Datafile 1972-2018 - release 1 (SDA 4) | (SDA 3.5)
(Abst) | General Social Survey (GSS) Cumulative Datafile 1972-2016 - release 1 (SDA 4) | (SDA 3.5)
(Abst) | General Social Survey (GSS) Cumulative Datafile 1972-2014 - release 2 (SDA 4) | (SDA 3.5)
(Abst) | General Social Survey (GSS) Cumulative Datafile 1972-2012 (SDA 4) | (SDA 3.5)
(Abst) | General Social Survey (GSS) Cumulative Datafile 1972-2010 (SDA 4) | (SDA 3.5)
(Abst) | General Social Survey (GSS) Cumulative Datafile 1972-2008 (SDA 4) | (SDA 3.5)
(Abst) | General Social Survey (GSS) Cumulative Datafile 1972-2006 (SDA 4) | (SDA 3.5)
(Abst) | General Social Survey Panel (2006 Sample) Wave 3 (SDA 4) | (SDA 3.5)

American National Election Studies (ANES)

July 25, 2021: The American National Election Study (ANES) 2020 Full Release has been added below. This is the first full release of the dataset and supersedes the two previous preliminary releases. See the User Guide and Codebook at the official ANES site at the University of Michigan for more information on this version.

(Abst) | American National Election Study (ANES) 2020 Full Release - released 7/19/21 (SDA 4) | (SDA 3.5)
(Abst) | American National Election Study (ANES) 2016 - released 4/3/17 (SDA 4) | (SDA 3.5)
(Abst) | American National Election Study (ANES) 2012 - released 7/1/13 (SDA 4) | (SDA 3.5)
(Abst) | American National Election Study (ANES) 2008 - released 5/11/09 (SDA 4) | (SDA 3.5)
(Abst) | American National Election Study (ANES) 2004 - released 8/16/05 (SDA 4) | (SDA 3.5)
(Abst) | American National Election Study (ANES) 2000 (SDA 4) | (SDA 3.5)
(Abst) | American National Election Study (ANES) 1996 (SDA 4) | (SDA 3.5)

(Abst) | ANES Cumulative Datafile 1948-2016 (SDA 4)
(Abst) | ANES Cumulative Datafile 1948-2004 (SDA 4) | (SDA 3.5)
(Abst) | ANES Cumulative Datafile 1948-2000 (SDA 4) | (SDA 3.5)
(Abst) | ANES Cumulative Datafile 1952-1992 (SDA 4) | (SDA 3.5)

Cooperative Congressional Election Study

(Abst) | 2018 Cooperative Congressional Election Study (SDA 4) - Data Release No. 2
(Abst) | 2016 Cooperative Congressional Election Study (SDA 4) - Data Release No. 2

Survey of Consumer Finances

Please note: the SDA version of the SCF 2022 dataset was updated with the April 3, 2024 changes listed on the SCF’s Recent changes page. The changes to the dataset may affect some variables previously created by SDA users via the recode or compute procedures — and therefore those variables may need to be re-created to match the updated dataset.

(Abst) | Survey of Consumer Finances - Extract File 1989-2022 (SDA 4) New release!
(Abst) | Survey of Consumer Finances - Extract File 1989-2019 (SDA 4) Updated 11/4/2021

Census Microdata - Entire U.S.

(Abst) | Link to IPUMS Web Site (Login required)
(Abst) | 2000-2003 American Community Surveys (SDA 4) | (SDA 3.5) (3.8 million cases)
(Abst) | 2000 U.S. 1% PUMS (SDA 4) | (SDA 3.5) (2.8 million cases)
(Abst) | 1990 U.S. 1% PUMS (SDA 4) | (SDA 3.5) (2.5 million cases)

Racial Attitudes and Prejudice

(Abst) | Dutch Prejudice Survey 1998 (SDA 4) | (SDA 3.5)
(Abst) | Chicago African American Survey 1997 (SDA 4) | (SDA 3.5)
(Abst) | National Race and Politics Survey 1991 (SDA 4) | (SDA 3.5)
(Abst) | Italian Prejudice Survey - English version (SDA 4) | (SDA 3.5)
(Abst) | Italian Prejudice Survey - Italian version (SDA 4) | (SDA 3.5)
(Abst) | 1986 Bay Area Race and Politics Survey (SDA 4) | (SDA 3.5)

Various Surveys

(Abst) | Multi-Investigator Survey 1998-1999 (SDA 4) | (SDA 3.5)
(Abst) | Multi-Investigator Survey 1994 (SDA 4) | (SDA 3.5)
(Abst) | Small dataset for testing (SDA 4) | (SDA 3.5)

For information on obtaining SDA software and services, see the SDA Software and Services page.