ATTENTION: On Sunday, March 30 the UC Berkeley Data Center
will be doing planned maintenance that will shut down all
services from approximately 2 AM PDT to 10:30 PM PDT.
The SDA website will be offline during this time.
We are very sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.
Click on "Abst" to view an abstract for a dataset.
Each dataset is available using the most recent version of SDA
(SDA 4), but often can also be accessed using an older version
(SDA 3.5).
We recommend that everyone use the latest version.
However, if you can't always use the latest version,
note that the SDA 4 dataset links use the same workspace
for new variables (created by RECODE or COMPUTE) as the
SDA 3.5 interface.
This means you can create variables using either the SDA 3.5 or SDA 4
interface and use these variables with either interface.
(Note: the Quick Tables links have been removed
since the Quick Tables webapp is no longer developed or maintained.)
For video tutorials on using SDA 4 see the
SDA YouTube Channel.
SDA Update: All datasets on the SDA Archive page that use SDA 4
have now been updated to use 4.1.6.
Enhancements that have been made since the initial release of 4.0 include:
- 'Modify' Option added to 'Actions' column of 'List Created Variables' tab (SDA 4.1.6)
If the "Modify" option is selected,
either the 'Recode' or 'Compute' tab is automatically displayed and
the form is re-populated with the original recode map or compute
statement that created the variable.
The user can then modify the options and create a new variable --
either overwriting the previous variable or creating a completely
new variable by changing the name of the new output variable.
- 'Save Run Options' accordian menu added to the options forms for all analysis programs (SDA 4.1.6)
The user can provide a name and (optional) label for the currently
specified options and save them. The saved options will be
displayed on a new 'Saved Runs' tab.
From that list of saved runs the user can click on the
'Run/Modify' button for a run.
The appropriate analysis tab is autotmatically displayed
and the form is re-populated with the options for that run.
The user can then re-run the analysis and/or modify it.
If modifying the saved run by changing the options, the user
can overwrite the current
saved run or create a new one by supplying a new name.
- CSV output format option added to TABLES and MEANS
An option was added to TABLES and MEANS to output statistical results
in CSV format for importing into other applications (such as Excel)
for creating custom charts. CSV files can also be useful for preparing
tables for inclusion in manuscripts. Look for the
"Create and Download CSV File" accordian panel in TABLES and MEANS
to access this new option. For more information, see this
blog post from our friends at IPUMS.
- Percentiles added to MEANS
An option was added to calculate and display a specified percentile
from the 1st to the 99th percentile) of the dependent variable in each cell.
- Charts added to REGRESS and LOGIT
A chart showing the values of the regression coefficients and their confidence
intervals can be displayed.
- Drag and drop from the variable tree to input text boxes
You can drag and drop a variable from the variable tree to an input field
on a form. (Note that although the variables in the tree display both the variable's
name and the label, only the variable name will be "dropped" into the input field -- which is the desired outcome.)
- Right-click on variable tree to view variable description
You can right-click on a variable in the tree to bring up a context menu where
you can click on "View variable" to view a description of the variable's contents.
- Bar charts added to "View variable" output
When a frequency distribution is displayed (for variables with 256 or fewer categories)
each category is now displayed with a horizontal bar to show the relative size of the
percent of cases falling into each category.
If you experience problems with the latest SDA 4 user interface, please try clearing your browser's cache.
Individual datasets contain their own search capability. However, SDA also
provides a facility for cross-study search. Below you can search for variables
in some of the most popular datasets in our archive.
Cross-study search for variables in General Social Survey,
American National Election Studies and Survey of Consumer Finances
General Social Surveys (GSS)
November 21, 2023: the GSS Cumulative Datafile 1972-2022 (release 2) has been added below.
American National Election Studies (ANES)
July 25, 2021: The American National Election Study (ANES) 2020 Full Release has been added below.
This is the first full release of the dataset and supersedes the two
previous preliminary releases.
See the
User Guide and Codebook
at the official ANES site at the University of Michigan
for more information on this version.
Cooperative Congressional Election Study
Survey of Consumer Finances
Please note: the SDA version of the SCF 2022 dataset was updated with the
April 3, 2024 changes listed on the SCF’s
Recent changes
The changes to the dataset may affect some variables previously created
by SDA users via the recode or compute procedures — and therefore those
variables may need to be re-created to match the updated dataset.
Census Microdata - Entire U.S.
Racial Attitudes and Prejudice
Various Surveys
For information on obtaining SDA software and services, see the
SDA Software and Services page.