Cooperative Congressional Election Study 2016

List of Items in Alphabetical Order

add_confirm Is the name and address displayed above correct?
Asian_origin_1 Asian_origin - No Country in Particular
Asian_origin_10 Asian_origin - Pakistan
Asian_origin_11 Asian_origin - Hmong
Asian_origin_12 Asian_origin - Cambodia
Asian_origin_13 Asian_origin - Thailand
Asian_origin_14 Asian_origin - Other
Asian_origin_15 Asian_origin - I am not of Asian Heritage
Asian_origin_2 Asian_origin - United States
Asian_origin_3 Asian_origin - China
Asian_origin_4 Asian_origin - Japan
Asian_origin_5 Asian_origin - India
Asian_origin_6 Asian_origin - Philippines
Asian_origin_7 Asian_origin - Taiwan
Asian_origin_8 Asian_origin - Korea
Asian_origin_9 Asian_origin - Vietnam
Asian_origin_t Asian_origin - None
AskParty_post Ask party registration flag
birthyr Birth year
CC16_300_1 Media Use - Blog
CC16_300_2 Media Use - TV
CC16_300_3 Media Use - Newspaper
CC16_300_4 Media Use - Radio
CC16_300_5 Media Use - Social Media
CC16_300_6 Media Use - None
CC16_300b Watch local news, national news or both
CC16_300c Read print news, online news or both
CC16_300d_1 Social media - Posted a story, photo, video or link about politics
CC16_300d_2 Social media - Posted a comment about politics
CC16_300d_3 Social media - Read a story or watched a video about politics
CC16_300d_4 Social media - Followed a political event
CC16_300d_5 Social media - Forwarded a story, photo, video or link about politics to friends
CC16_301a Most Important Problem - Gun control
CC16_301b Most Important Problem - Abortion
CC16_301c Most Important Problem - Taxes
CC16_301d Most Important Problem - Immigration
CC16_301e Most Important Problem - Budget deficit
CC16_301f Most Important Problem - Defense spending
CC16_301g Most Important Problem - Social security
CC16_301h Most Important Problem - Environment
CC16_301i Most Important Problem - Jobs
CC16_301j Most Important Problem - Crime
CC16_301k Most Important Problem - National security
CC16_301l Most Important Problem - Race relations
CC16_301m Most Important Problem - Health care
CC16_301n Most Important Problem - Gay marriage
CC16_301o Most Important Problem - Government corruption
CC16_302 National Economy
CC16_303 Past year - household income
CC16_304 Next year - household income
CC16_305_1 Past four years - Married
CC16_305_10 Past four years - Visited an emergency room
CC16_305_11 Past four years - Received a raise at work
CC16_305_2 Past four years - Lost a job
CC16_305_3 Past four years - Finished school
CC16_305_4 Past four years - Retired
CC16_305_5 Past four years - Divorced
CC16_305_6 Past four years - Had a child
CC16_305_7 Past four years - Taken a new job
CC16_305_8 Past four years - Been issued a traffic ticket
CC16_305_9 Past four years - Been a victim of a crime
CC16_307 Police make R feel safe
CC16_312_1 Do not get involved
CC16_312_2 Send food, medicine and other aid to countries affected
CC16_312_3 Provide arms to those opposing ISIS
CC16_312_4 Enforce a no-fly zone
CC16_312_5 Use drones and aircraft to bomb ISIS troops
CC16_312_6 Send military support staff (non-combat)
CC16_312_7 Send significant force to fight ISIS
CC16_316 Vote 2012
CC16_320a Approve of Job - Obama
CC16_320b Approve of Job - Congress
CC16_320c Approve of Job - Supreme Court
CC16_320d Approve of Job - Governor
CC16_320e Approve of Job - Legislature
CC16_320f Approve of Job - Rep
CC16_320g Approve of Job - Senator 1
CC16_320h Approve of Job - Senator 2
CC16_321a Party of Government Knowledge - Reps
CC16_321b Party of Government Knowledge - Senate
CC16_321c Party of Government Knowledge - State Senate
CC16_321d Party of Government Knowledge - Lower Chamber
CC16_322a Party Recall + Name Recognition - Governor
CC16_322b Party Recall + Name Recognition - Senator 1
CC16_322c Party Recall + Name Recognition - Senator 2
CC16_322d Party Recall + Name Recognition - Rep
CC16_326 President 2012
CC16_326_t President 2012 - open
CC16_327 Vote primary 2016
CC16_328 Vote primary 2016 candidate
CC16_330a Gun Control - Background checks for all sales, including at gun shows and over t
CC16_330b Gun Control - Prohibit state and local governments from publishing the names and
CC16_330d Gun Control - Ban assault rifles
CC16_330e Gun Control - Make it easier for people to obtain concealed-carry permit
CC16_331_1 Immigration - Grant legal status to all illegal immigrants who have held jobs an
CC16_331_2 Immigration - Increase the number of border patrols on the U.S.-Mexican border
CC16_331_3 Immigration - Grant legal status to people who were brought to the US illegally
CC16_331_4 Immigration - Fine U.S. businesses that hire illegal immigrants
CC16_331_5 Immigration - Admit no refugees from Syria
CC16_331_6 Immigration - Increase the number of visas for overseas workers to work in the U
CC16_331_7 Immigration - Identify and deport illegal immigrants
CC16_331_8 Immigration - Ban Muslims from immigrating to the U.S.
CC16_331_9 Immigration - None of these
CC16_332a Abortion Policies - Always allow a woman to obtain an abortion as a matter of ch
CC16_332b Abortion Policies - Permit abortion only in case of rape, incest or when the wom
CC16_332c Abortion Policies - Prohibit all abortions after the 20th week of pregnancy
CC16_332d Abortion Policies - Allow employers to decline coverage of abortions in insuranc
CC16_332e Abortion Policies - Prohibit the expenditure of funds authorized or appropriated
CC16_332f Abortion Policies - Make abortions illegal in all circumstances
CC16_333a Environment Policies - Give Environmental Protection Agency power to regulate Ca
CC16_333b Environment Policies - Raise required fuel efficiency for the average automobile
CC16_333c Environment Policies - Require a minimum amount of renewable fuels (wind, solar,
CC16_333d Environment Policies - Strengthen enforcement of the Clean Air Act and Clean Wat
CC16_334a Crime Policies - Eliminate mandatory minimum sentences for non-violent drug offe
CC16_334b Crime Policies - Require police officers to wear body cameras that record all of
CC16_334c Crime Policies - Increase the number of police on the street by 10 percent, even
CC16_334d Crime Policies - Increase prison sentences for felons who have already committed
CC16_335 Gay Marriage
CC16_337_1 Budget Priorities - Cut Defense Spending
CC16_337_2 Budget Priorities - Cut Domestic Spending
CC16_337_3 Budget Priorities - Raise Taxes
CC16_340a Ideology - Yourself
CC16_340b Ideology - Governor
CC16_340c Ideology - Obama
CC16_340d Ideology - Hillary Clinton
CC16_340e Ideology - Donald Trump
CC16_340f Ideology - Merrick Garland
CC16_340g Ideology - The Democratic Party
CC16_340h Ideology - The Republican Party
CC16_340i Ideology - The United States Supreme Court
CC16_340j Ideology - $CurrentSen1Name
CC16_340k Ideology - $CurrentSen2Name
CC16_340l Ideology - $SenCand1Name
CC16_340m Ideology - $SenCand2Name
CC16_340n Ideology - $HouseCand1Name
CC16_340o Ideology - $HouseCand2Name
CC16_340p Ideology - House member
CC16_350 SC_Appointments
CC16_351A For or Against - Congress - Approve Garland nomination
CC16_351B For or Against - Congress - Trans-Pacific Partnership Act
CC16_351C For or Against - Congress - USA Freedom Act
CC16_351D For or Against - Congress - Trade Adjustment Assistence Act
CC16_351E For or Against - Congress - Education Reform
CC16_351F For or Against - Congress - Highway and Transportation Funding Act
CC16_351G For or Against - Congress - Iran Sanctions Act
CC16_351H For or Against - Congress - Medicare Accountability and Cost Reform Act
CC16_351I For or Against - Congress - Repeal Affordable Care Act
CC16_351K For or Against - Congress - Minimum wage
CC16_360 Party Registration
CC16_361 Residence
CC16_364 Does R Intend to Vote in 2016
CC16_364b Pres vote
CC16_364b_t Pres vote - open
CC16_364c Pres pref
CC16_364c_t Pres pref - open
CC16_365 Senator pref
CC16_365_t Senator pref - open
CC16_365a Senator pref 2nd choice
CC16_365a_t Senator pref 2nd choice - open
CC16_365x Senator vote
CC16_365x_t Senator vote - open
CC16_366 Governor pref
CC16_366_t Governor pref - open
CC16_366a Governor pref 2nd choice
CC16_366a_t Governor pref 2nd choice - open
CC16_366x Governor vote
CC16_366x_t Governor vote - open
CC16_367 House pref
CC16_367_t House pref - open
CC16_367a House pref 2nd choice
CC16_367a_t House pref 2nd choice - open
CC16_367x House vote
CC16_367x_t House vote - open
CC16_401 Voted 2016
CC16_402a Main reason didn't vote
CC16_402a_t Main reason didn't vote - open
CC16_402b Second reason didn't vote
CC16_402b_t Second reason didn't vote - open
CC16_403 Vote in person or by mail
CC16_403b Vote at precinct polling place or vote center
CC16_404 Voting length wait time
CC16_404_t Voting length wait time - open
CC16_405 Registered to vote on Election Day
CC16_406a Problem with voter registration or ID when trying to vote
CC16_406b_1 Problem with voting - ID
CC16_406b_2 Problem with voting - Registration
CC16_406b_3 Problem with voting - Wrong Place
CC16_406b_4 Problem with voting - Other
CC16_406b_t Problem with voting - open
CC16_406c Allowed to vote
CC16_407a Feel intimidated voting
CC16_407b Why intimidated voting
CC16_410a President vote
CC16_410a_nv President prefer
CC16_410a_nv_t President prefer - open
CC16_410a_t President vote - open
CC16_410b Senator vote
CC16_410b_nv Senator prefer
CC16_410b_nv_t Senator prefer - open
CC16_410b_t Senator vote - open
CC16_411 Governor vote
CC16_411_nv Governor prefer
CC16_411_nv_t Governor prefer - open
CC16_411_t Governor vote - open
CC16_412 House vote
CC16_412_nv House prefer
CC16_412_nv_t House prefer - open
CC16_412_t House vote - open
CC16_413_grid For whom did you vote for in the following state elections ...
CC16_413a Vote in state elections - Attorney General
CC16_413b Vote in state elections - Secretary of State
CC16_413c Vote in state elections - $inputstate State Senate
CC16_413d Vote in state elections - $LowerChamberName
CC16_414_1 Approve use of US military - Ensure the supply of oil
CC16_414_2 Approve use of US military - Destroy a terrorist camp
CC16_414_3 Approve use of US military - Intervene in a region where there is genocide or a
CC16_414_4 Approve use of US military - Assist the spread of democracy
CC16_414_5 Approve use of US military - Protect American allies under attack by foreign nat
CC16_414_6 Approve use of US military - Help the United Nations uphold international law
CC16_414_7 Approve use of US military - None of the above
CC16_415r Budget deficit - spending cuts vs tax increases
CC16_416r Raise taxes - income tax vs. sales tax
CC16_417a_1 Past year - Attend local political meetings (such as school board or city counci
CC16_417a_2 Past year - Put up a political sign (such as a lawn sign or bumper sticker)
CC16_417a_3 Past year - Work for a candidate or campaign
CC16_417a_4 Past year - Donate money to a candidate, campaign, or political organization
CC16_417a_5 Past year - Donate blood
CC16_417a_6 Past year - None of these
CC16_417bx_1 Donate money - Candidate for President
CC16_417bx_10 Donate money - Other
CC16_417bx_2 Donate money - Candidate for U.S. Senate in my state
CC16_417bx_3 Donate money - Candidate for U.S. Senate in another state
CC16_417bx_4 Donate money - Candidate for U.S. House in my state
CC16_417bx_5 Donate money - Candidate for U.S. House in another state
CC16_417bx_6 Donate money - Candidate for state office
CC16_417bx_7 Donate money - Political party committee (such as the DNC or RNC)
CC16_417bx_8 Donate money - Political action committee at work (such as corporate or union PA
CC16_417bx_9 Donate money - Political group (not at your work)
CC16_417bx_t1 Donate money - Political group not at work - open
CC16_417bx_t2 Donate money - Other - open
CC16_417c Amount contribute to all candidates/committees
CC16_417d_1 How many of the above statements are true for you?
CC16_417d_2 How many of the above statements are true for you?
CC16_417e_1 Campaign contributions are an effective way to influence public policy
CC16_417e_2 Campaign contributions are an effective way to help my business/industry
CC16_417e_3 Campaign contributions allow me to be part of a network with other contributors
CC16_417e_4 I prefer to give directly to candidates rather than contribute money to a politi
CC16_417e_5 For anyone who can afford to contribute, it is a civic duty to contribute financ
CC16_418a Ever run for elective office
CC16_418b_t Run for office - open
CC16_418bx_1 Run for office - School Board
CC16_418bx_10 Run for office - Judge
CC16_418bx_11 Run for office - Other
CC16_418bx_2 Run for office - Other local board or commission (e.g. zoning commission)
CC16_418bx_3 Run for office - City Council
CC16_418bx_4 Run for office - Mayor
CC16_418bx_5 Run for office - City or District Attorney
CC16_418bx_6 Run for office - Countywide office (e.g. supervisor)
CC16_418bx_7 Run for office - State legislature
CC16_418bx_8 Run for office - Statewide office
CC16_418bx_9 Run for office - Federal legislature (U.S. House or Senate)
CC16_421_dem Party ID Dem strength
CC16_421_rep Party ID Rep strength
CC16_421_t 3 pt party ID - open
CC16_421a 3 pt party ID
CC16_421b Party ID lean
CC16_422c Racism - angry racist exists
CC16_422d Racism - white people have advantages
CC16_422e Racism - fearful of people of other races
CC16_422f Racism - racial problems are rare, isoluated situations
CC16_423a Race/ethnicity politicians - $HouseCand1Name
CC16_423a_other Race/ethnicity politicians - $HouseCand1Name - open
CC16_423b Race/ethnicity politicians - $HouseCand2Name
CC16_423b_other Race/ethnicity politicians - $HouseCand2Name - open
CC16_423c Race/ethnicity politicians - $CurrentHouseName
CC16_423c_other Race/ethnicity politicians - $CurrentHouseName - open
CC16_425a Contacted by candidate/political org
CC16_426_1 State spending - Welfare
CC16_426_2 State spending - Health Care
CC16_426_3 State spending - Education
CC16_426_4 State spending - Law Enforcement
CC16_426_5 State spending - Transportation/Infrastructure
CC16_427_a Grade local community - The schools
CC16_427_b Grade local community - The police
CC16_427_c Grade local community - The roads
CC16_427_d Grade local community - Zoning and development
CC16_427_e Grade local community - The Mayor or Town/City Manager
CC16_427_f Grade local community - The Town/City Council
CC416_25b_1 Candidate/campaign contact - In person
CC416_25b_2 Candidate/campaign contact - Phone call
CC416_25b_3 Candidate/campaign contact - Email or text message
CC416_25b_4 Candidate/campaign contact - Letter or post card
ccesmodule Survey assigned
CCEStake Consent to participate
cdid113 CD 113th/114th Congress
cdid113_post CD 113th/114th Congress - post
cdid115 CD 115th Congress
cdid115_post CD 115th Congress - post
child18 Child under 18 years
child18num Number of children under 18 years
citylength_1 Current city residence length - Years
citylength_2 Current city residence length - Months
CL_E2016GVM Catalist - 2016 General election voting method
CL_E2016PEP Catalist - 2016 Primary election party
CL_E2016PPEP Catalist - 2016 Presidential Primary election party
CL_E2016PPVM Catalist - 2016 Presidential Primary election voting method
CL_E2016PVM Catalist - 2016 Primary election voting method
CL_matched Catalist - Panelist matched to voter file
CL_partyaffiliation Catalist - Party affiliation
CL_state Catalist - Voter file matched state
CL_voterstatus Catalist - Voter status
commonweight Common content weights
commonweight_post Common content weights post-election
commonweight_vv Common content with voter validation weights
commonweight_vv_lgbt Weights for LGBT variable analysis
commonweight_vv_post Common content with voter validation weights post-election
comptype Computer or mobile user
countyfips County FIPS code
countyfips_post County FIPS code - post
countyname County Name
countyname_post County Name - post
CurrentGovName Current Governor Name
CurrentGovName_post Current Governor Name - post
CurrentGovParty Current Governor Party
CurrentGovParty_post Current Governor Party - post
CurrentHouseGender Current House Gender
CurrentHouseGender_post Current House Gender - post
CurrentHouseName Current House Name
CurrentHouseName_post Current House Name - post
CurrentHouseParty Current House Party
CurrentHouseParty_post Current House Party - post
CurrentSen1Gender Current Senate 1 Gender
CurrentSen1Gender_post Current Senate 1 Gender - post
CurrentSen1Name Current Senate 1 Name
CurrentSen1Name_post Current Senate 1 Name - post
CurrentSen1Party Current Senate 1 Party
CurrentSen1Party_post Current Senate 1 Party - post
CurrentSen2Gender Current Senate 2 Gender
CurrentSen2Gender_post Current Senate 2 Gender - post
CurrentSen2Name Current Senate 2 Name
CurrentSen2Name_post Current Senate 2 Name - post
CurrentSen2Party Current Senate 2 Party
CurrentSen2Party_post Current Senate 2 Party - post
dma dma
dmaname DMA name
edloan Student debtor
educ Education
employ Employment Status
employ_t Employment Status - open
endtime_post Interview End Time
endtime_pre Interview End Time
faminc Family income
gender Gender
GovCand1Incumbent Governor Candidate 1 Incumbent
GovCand1Incumbent_post Governor Candidate 1 Incumbent - post
GovCand1Name Governor Candidate 1 Name
GovCand1Name_post Governor Candidate 1 Name - post
GovCand1Party Governor Candidate 1 Party
GovCand1Party_post Governor Candidate 1 Party - post
GovCand2Incumbent Governor Candidate 2 Incumbent
GovCand2Incumbent_post Governor Candidate 2 Incumbent - post
GovCand2Name Governor Candidate 2 Name
GovCand2Name_post Governor Candidate 2 Name - post
GovCand2Party Governor Candidate 2 Party
GovCand2Party_post Governor Candidate 2 Party - post
GovCand3Name Governor Candidate 3 Name
GovCand3Name_post Governor Candidate 3 Name - post
GovCand3Party Governor Candidate 3 Party
GovCand3Party_post Governor Candidate 3 Party - post
hadjob Had job in past five years
healthins2 Purchase health insurance thru exchange
healthins_1 Health insurance - Yes, through my job or a family member's employer
healthins_2 Health insurance - Yes, through a government program, such as Medicare or Medica
healthins_3 Health insurance - Yes, through my school
healthins_4 Health insurance - Yes, I purchased my own
healthins_5 Health insurance - Not sure
healthins_6 Health insurance - No
hispanic Spanish, Latino or Hispanic origin or descent
Hispanic_origin_1 Hispanic_origin - No Country in Particular
Hispanic_origin_10 Hispanic_origin - Spain
Hispanic_origin_11 Hispanic_origin - Other
Hispanic_origin_12 Hispanic_origin - I am not of Latino, Hispanic or Spanish Heritage
Hispanic_origin_2 Hispanic_origin - United States
Hispanic_origin_3 Hispanic_origin - Mexico
Hispanic_origin_4 Hispanic_origin - Puerto Rico
Hispanic_origin_5 Hispanic_origin - Cuba
Hispanic_origin_6 Hispanic_origin - Dominican Republic
Hispanic_origin_7 Hispanic_origin - South America
Hispanic_origin_8 Hispanic_origin - Central America
Hispanic_origin_9 Hispanic_origin - Caribbean
Hispanic_origin_t Hispanic_origin - None
HouseCand10Name House Candidate 10 Name
HouseCand10Name_post House Candidate 10 Name - post
HouseCand10Party House Candidate 10 Party
HouseCand10Party_post House Candidate 10 Party - post
HouseCand11Name House Candidate 11 Name
HouseCand11Name_post House Candidate 11 Name - post
HouseCand11Party House Candidate 11 Party
HouseCand11Party_post House Candidate 11 Party - post
HouseCand1Incumbent House Candidate 1 Incumbent
HouseCand1Incumbent_post House Candidate 1 Incumbent - post
HouseCand1Name House Candidate 1 Name
HouseCand1Name_post House Candidate 1 Name - post
HouseCand1Party House Candidate 1 Party
HouseCand1Party_post House Candidate 1 Party - post
HouseCand2Incumbent House Candidate 2 Incumbent
HouseCand2Incumbent_post House Candidate 2 Incumbent - post
HouseCand2Name House Candidate 2 Name
HouseCand2Name_post House Candidate 2 Name - post
HouseCand2Party House Candidate 2 Party
HouseCand2Party_post House Candidate 2 Party - post
HouseCand3Name House Candidate 3 Name
HouseCand3Name_post House Candidate 3 Name - post
HouseCand3Party House Candidate 3 Party
HouseCand3Party_post House Candidate 3 Party - post
HouseCand4Name House Candidate 4 Name
HouseCand4Name_post House Candidate 4 Name - post
HouseCand4Party House Candidate 4 Party
HouseCand4Party_post House Candidate 4 Party - post
HouseCand5Name House Candidate 5 Name
HouseCand5Name_post House Candidate 5 Name - post
HouseCand5Party House Candidate 5 Party
HouseCand5Party_post House Candidate 5 Party - post
HouseCand6Name House Candidate 6 Name
HouseCand6Name_post House Candidate 6 Name - post
HouseCand6Party House Candidate 6 Party
HouseCand6Party_post House Candidate 6 Party - post
HouseCand7Name House Candidate 7 Name
HouseCand7Name_post House Candidate 7 Name - post
HouseCand7Party House Candidate 7 Party
HouseCand7Party_post House Candidate 7 Party - post
HouseCand8Name House Candidate 8 Name
HouseCand8Name_post House Candidate 8 Name - post
HouseCand8Party House Candidate 8 Party
HouseCand8Party_post House Candidate 8 Party - post
HouseCand9Name House Candidate 9 Name
HouseCand9Name_post House Candidate 9 Name - post
HouseCand9Party House Candidate 9 Party
HouseCand9Party_post House Candidate 9 Party - post
ideo5 Ideology
immstat Citizen
industryclass Industry classification
inputstate State
inputstate_post State
inputzip Zip code
inputzip_post Zip code post
internethome Internet Access at Home
internetwork Internet access at work
investor Stock ownership
jobactivities $jobactivitiestext
LegName Legislature name
LegName_post Legislature name - post
lookupzip Zip code for mapping CD
lookupzip_post Zip code for mapping CD - post
LowerChamberName Lower chamber name
LowerChamberName_post Lower chamber name - post
marstat Marital Status
milstat_1 Military Household - I am
milstat_2 Military Household - Family
milstat_3 Military Household - I served previously
milstat_4 Military Household - Family served previously
milstat_5 Military Household - None
multrace_1 Multi-racial - White
multrace_2 Multi-racial - Black
multrace_3 Multi-racial - Hispanic
multrace_4 Multi-racial - Asian
multrace_5 Multi-racial - Native American
multrace_8 Multi-racial - Middle Eastern
multrace_97 Multi-racial - Other
multrace_98 Multi-racial - Don't know
multrace_99 Multi-racial - None of these
newsint Political Interest
ownhome Home ownership
ownhome_t Home ownership - open
pew_bornagain Born Again (Pew version)
pew_churatd Church attendance (Pew version)
pew_prayer Frequency of Prayer (Pew version)
pew_religimp Importance of religion (Pew version)
phone Phone service
pid3 3 point party ID
pid3_t 3 point party ID - other
pid7 7 point Party ID
race Race
race_other Race, other
regzip Zip code where registered
regzip_confirm_post Confirm registered zip code post
regzip_post Zip code where registered post
religpew Pew religion
religpew_advent Adventist Church
religpew_advent_t Adventist Church - open
religpew_baptist Baptist Church
religpew_baptist_t Baptist Church - open
religpew_buddhist Buddhist group
religpew_buddhist_t Buddhist group - open
religpew_catholic Catholic Church
religpew_catholic_t Catholic Church - open
religpew_christian Christian Church
religpew_christian_t Christian Church - open
religpew_congreg Congregational Church
religpew_congreg_t Congregational Church - open
religpew_episcop Episcopal Church
religpew_episcop_t Episcopal Church - open
religpew_hindu Hindu Group
religpew_hindu_t Hindu Group - open
religpew_holiness Holiness Church
religpew_holiness_t Holiness Church - open
religpew_jewish Jewish Group
religpew_jewish_t Jewish Group - open
religpew_lutheran Lutheran Church
religpew_lutheran_t Lutheran Church - open
religpew_methodist Methodist Church
religpew_methodist_t Methodist Church - open
religpew_mormon Mormon Church
religpew_mormon_t Mormon Church - open
religpew_muslim Muslim Group
religpew_muslim_t Muslim Group - open
religpew_nondenom Nondenominational or Independent Church
religpew_nondenom_t Nondenominational or Independent Church - open
religpew_orthodox Orthodox Church
religpew_orthodox_t Orthodox Church - open
religpew_pentecost Pentecostal Church
religpew_pentecost_t Pentecostal Church - open
religpew_presby Presbyterian Church
religpew_presby_t Presbyterian Church - open
religpew_protestant Protestant Church
religpew_protestant_t Protestant Church - open
religpew_reformed Reformed Church
religpew_reformed_t Reformed Church - open
religpew_t Pew religion - open
reszip_confirm_post Confirm zip code post
SenCand1Incumbent Senate Candidate 1 Incumbent
SenCand1Incumbent_post Senate Candidate 1 Incumbent - post
SenCand1Name Senate Candidate 1 Name
SenCand1Name_post Senate Candidate 1 Name - post
SenCand1Party Senate Candidate 1 Party
SenCand1Party_post Senate Candidate 1 Party - post
SenCand2Incumbent Senate Candidate 2 Incumbent
SenCand2Incumbent_post Senate Candidate 2 Incumbent - post
SenCand2Name Senate Candidate 2 Name
SenCand2Name_post Senate Candidate 2 Name - post
SenCand2Party Senate Candidate 2 Party
SenCand2Party_post Senate Candidate 2 Party - post
SenCand3Name Senate Candidate 3 Name
SenCand3Name_post Senate Candidate 3 Name - post
SenCand3Party Senate Candidate 3 Party
SenCand3Party_post Senate Candidate 3 Party - post
SenCand4Name Senate Candidate 4 Name
SenCand4Name_post Senate Candidate 4 Name - post
SenCand4Party Senate Candidate 4 Party
SenCand4Party_post Senate Candidate 4 Party - post
sexuality Sexual Orientation
starttime_post Interview Start Time
starttime_pre Interview Start Time
tookpost Took post-election wave
trans Transgender
union Labor union member
unionhh Family labor union member
V101 Case ID
votereg Voter Registration Status
votereg_f Registered to vote
votereg_f_post Registered to vote post
votereg_post Voter Registration Status
whatkindofwork $whatkindofworktext