1972-1994 General Social Survey Cumulative File

Demographic Variables

region             REGION OF INTERVIEW

     See Q. 26 for a listing of states within regions, or
     refer to Statistical Abstract (any edition), published
     by U.S. Bureau of the Census, for this information.
     Codes based on 1990 Census not yet available.

       PCT      N  VALUE  LABEL
       4.9   1589      1  NEW ENGLAND
      15.6   5062      2  MIDDLE ATLANTIC
      19.6   6332      3  E. NOR. CENTRAL
       7.9   2549      4  W. NOR. CENTRAL
      18.5   5981      5  SOUTH ATLANTIC
       6.8   2202      6  E. SOU. CENTRAL
       8.7   2814      7  W. SOU. CENTRAL
       5.2   1675      8  MOUNTAIN
      12.9   4176      9  PACIFIC
            32380 cases

     Type: numeric     Min: 1     MD Codes: 0
     Decimals:   0     Max: 9

     Input location: 1/158

xnorcsiz           EXPANDED N.O.R.C. SIZE CODE

     See Appendix S, GSS Methodological Report No. 4. Codes
     based on 1990 Census not yet available.

       PCT      N  VALUE  LABEL
      18.6   6028      1  CITY GT 250000
      11.1   3592      2  CITY,50-250000
      19.2   6218      3  SUBURB, LRG CITY
       8.6   2770      4  SUBURB, MED CITY
       5.9   1909      5  UNINC,LRG CITY
       7.9   2554      6  UNINC,MED CITY
       6.8   2200      7  CITY,10-49999
       5.7   1831      8  TOWN GT 2500
       5.2   1683      9  SMALLER AREAS
      11.1   3595     10  OPEN COUNTRY
            32380 cases

     Type: numeric     Min:  1     MD Codes: 0
     Decimals:   0     Max: 10

     Input location: 1/159-160

srcbelt            SRC BELTCODE

     The SRC belt code is described in Appendix D: Recodes.
     See Appendix N for changes across surveys. See
     Appendix S, GSS Methodological Report No. 4. Codes
     based on 1990 Census not yet available.

       PCT      N  VALUE  LABEL
       9.2   2988      1  12 LRGST SMSA'S
      14.1   4579      2  SMSA'S 13-100
      10.5   3397      3  SUBURB, 12 LRGST
      14.4   4650      4  SUBURB, 13-100
      37.1  11997      5  OTHER URBAN
      14.7   4769      6  OTHER RURAL
            32380 cases

     Type: numeric     Min: 1     MD Codes: 0
     Decimals:   0     Max: 6

     Input location: 1/161

size               SIZE OF PLACE IN 1000S

     A 4-digit number which provides abtual size of place
     of interview. Remember when using this code to add 3

     32380 cases

     Type: numeric     Min:    0     MD Codes: -1
     Decimals:   0     Max: 7895

     Input location: 1/162-165

Respondent's Occupational Indices (Dot Codes)

dotdata            D.O.T. CODE - RELATION TO DATA

     32380 cases

     Type: numeric     Min: 0.00     MD Codes: -1.00
     Decimals:   2     Max: 8.00

     Input location: 1/168-171

dotpeop            D.O.T. CODE - RELATION TO PEOPLE

     32380 cases

     Type: numeric     Min: 0.00     MD Codes: -1.00
     Decimals:   2     Max: 8.00

     Input location: 1/172-175

dotthng            D.O.T. CODE - RELATION TO THINGS

     32380 cases

     Type: numeric     Min: 0.00     MD Codes: -1.00
     Decimals:   2     Max: 8.00

     Input location: 1/176-179

dotged             D.O.T. CODE - GENERAL EDUC DEVELOP.

     32380 cases

     Type: numeric     Min: 1.00     MD Codes: -1.00
     Decimals:   2     Max: 6.00

     Input location: 1/180-183

dotsvp             D.O.T. CODE - SPECIFIC VOCAT. PREP

     32380 cases

     Type: numeric     Min: 1.00     MD Codes: -1.00
     Decimals:   2     Max: 8.00

     Input location: 1/184-187

dotpres            TEMME PRESTIGE SCALE

     32380 cases

     Type: numeric     Min:  0.0     MD Codes: -1.0
     Decimals:   1     Max: 88.4

     Input location: 1/188-190

Spouse's Occupational Indices

spdotdat           SP. D.O.T. CODE - RELATION TO DATA

     32380 cases

     Type: numeric     Min: 0.00     MD Codes: -1.00
     Decimals:   2     Max: 8.00

     Input location: 1/191-194

spdotpeo           SP. D.O.T. CODE - RELATION TO PEOPLE

     32380 cases

     Type: numeric     Min: 0.00     MD Codes: -1.00
     Decimals:   2     Max: 8.00

     Input location: 1/195-198

spdotthn           SP. D.O.T. CODE - RELATION TO THINGS

     32380 cases

     Type: numeric     Min: 0.00     MD Codes: -1.00
     Decimals:   2     Max: 8.00

     Input location: 1/199-202

spdotged           SP. D.O.T. CODE - GENERAL EDUC DEVELOP.

     32380 cases

     Type: numeric     Min: 1.00     MD Codes: -1.00
     Decimals:   2     Max: 6.00

     Input location: 1/203-206

spdotsvp           SP. D.O.T. CODE - SPECIFIC VOCAT. PREP

     32380 cases

     Type: numeric     Min: 1.00     MD Codes: -1.00
     Decimals:   2     Max: 8.00

     Input location: 1/207-210

spdotpre           SP. TEMME PRESTIGE SCALE

     32380 cases

     Type: numeric     Min:  0.0     MD Codes: -1.0
     Decimals:   1     Max: 88.4

     Input location: 1/211-213

Father's Occupational Indices

padotdat           FA. D.O.T. CODE - RELATION TO DATA

     32380 cases

     Type: numeric     Min: 0.00     MD Codes: -1.00
     Decimals:   2     Max: 7.00

     Input location: 1/214-217

padotpeo           FA. D.O.T. CODE - RELATION TO PEOPLE

     32380 cases

     Type: numeric     Min: 0.00     MD Codes: -1.00
     Decimals:   2     Max: 8.00

     Input location: 1/218-221

padotthn           FA. D.O.T. CODE - RELATION TO THINGS

     32380 cases

     Type: numeric     Min: 0.00     MD Codes: -1.00
     Decimals:   2     Max: 8.00

     Input location: 1/222-225

padotged           FA. D.O.T. CODE - GENERAL EDUC DEVELOP.

     32380 cases

     Type: numeric     Min: 1.00     MD Codes: -1.00
     Decimals:   2     Max: 6.00

     Input location: 1/226-229

padotsvp           FA. D.O.T. CODE - SPECIFIC VOCAT. PREP

     32380 cases

     Type: numeric     Min: 1.00     MD Codes: -1.00
     Decimals:   2     Max: 8.00

     Input location: 1/230-233

padotpre           FA. TEMME PRESTIGE SCALE

     32380 cases

     Type: numeric     Min:  0.0     MD Codes: -1.0
     Decimals:   1     Max: 88.4

     Input location: 1/234-236

Voting Patterns


     Generally speaking, do you usually think of yourself
     as a Republican, Democrat, Independent, or what?

       PCT      N  VALUE  LABEL
      16.4   5276      0  STRONG DEMOCRAT
      23.5   7582      1  NOT STR DEMOCRAT
      12.0   3876      2  IND,NEAR DEM
      12.3   3948      3  INDEPENDENT
       8.9   2877      4  IND,NEAR REP
      16.4   5281      5  NOT STR REPUBLICAN
       9.1   2933      6  STRONG REPUBLICAN
       1.3    424      7  OTHER PARTY
               10      8  DK
              173      9  NA
            32380 cases

     Type: numeric     Min: 0     MD Codes: none
     Decimals:   0     Max: 7

     Input location: 1/238

vote68             DID R VOTE IN 1968 ELECTION

     Now in 1968, you remember that Humphrey ran for
     President on the Democratic ticket against Nixon for
     the Republicans, and Wallace as an Indpendent. Do you
     remember for sure whether or not you voted in that

       PCT      N  VALUE  LABEL
      65.0   1992      1  VOTED
      26.5    813      2  DID NOT VOTE
       8.3    255      3  NOT ELIGIBLE
       0.1      4      4  REFUSED
       0.1      2      6  WLDNT VT-RELIG
               46      8  DK
                5      9  NA
            29263      .  (No Data)
            32380 cases

     Type: numeric     Min: 1     MD Codes: 0
     Decimals:   0     Max: 6

     Input location: 1/239


     IF VOTED: Did you vote for Humphrey, Nixon, or

       PCT      N  VALUE  LABEL
      40.6    787      1  HUMPHREY
      45.6    885      2  NIXON
      11.3    220      3  WALLACE
       0.8     16      4  OTHER
       1.6     32      5  REFUSED
               43      8  DK
                9      9  NA
            30388      .  (No Data)
            32380 cases

     Type: numeric     Min: 1     MD Codes: 0
     Decimals:   0     Max: 5

     Input location: 1/240

if68who            WHO WOULD R HAVE VOTED FOR-1968 ELECTION

     IF DID NOT VOTE: Who would you have voted for, for
     President, if you had voted?

       PCT      N  VALUE  LABEL
      38.5    351      1  HUMPHREY
      40.7    371      2  NIXON
      15.7    143      3  WALLACE
       4.1     37      4  OTHER
       1.1     10      6  WLDNT VT-RELIG
              132      8  DK
               24      9  NA
            31312      .  (No Data)
            32380 cases

     Type: numeric     Min: 1     MD Codes: 0
     Decimals:   0     Max: 6

     Input location: 1/241

vote72             DID R VOTE IN 1972 ELECTION

     In 1972, you remember that McGovern ran for President
     on the Democratic ticket against Nixon for the
     Republicans. Do you remember for sure whether or not
     you voted in that election?

       PCT      N  VALUE  LABEL
      66.0   4883      1  VOTED
      27.6   2045      2  DID NOT VOTE
       6.2    456      3  NOT ELIGIBLE
       0.2     18      4  REFUSED
       0.0      2      6  WLDNT VT-RELIG
               91      8  DK
               12      9  NA
            24873      .  (No Data)
            32380 cases

     Type: numeric     Min: 1     MD Codes: 0
     Decimals:   0     Max: 6

     Input location: 1/242

pres72             VOTE FOR MCGOVERN OR NIXON

     IF VOTED: Did you vote for McGovern or Nixon?

       PCT      N  VALUE  LABEL
      37.4   1784      1  MCGOVERN
      58.7   2804      2  NIXON
       2.7    130      3  OTHER
       0.8     36      4  REFUSED
       0.5     22      5  WOULDNT VOTE
               65      8  DK
               52      9  NA
            27487      .  (No Data)
            32380 cases

     Type: numeric     Min: 1     MD Codes: 0
     Decimals:   0     Max: 5

     Input location: 1/243

if72who            WHO WOULD R HAVE VOTED FOR-1972 ELECTION

     IF DID NOT VOTE: Who would you have voted for, for
     President, if you had voted?

       PCT      N  VALUE  LABEL
      40.5    853      1  MCGOVERN
      45.0    947      2  NIXON
      11.1    233      3  OTHER
       0.0      1      4  REFUSED
       3.3     69      5  WOULDNT VOTE
       0.0      1      6  WLDNT VT-RELIG
              352      8  DK
               83      9  NA
            29841      .  (No Data)
            32380 cases

     Type: numeric     Min: 1     MD Codes: 0
     Decimals:   0     Max: 6

     Input location: 1/244

vote76             DID R VOTE IN 1976 ELECTION

     If 1976, you remember that Carter ran for President on
     the Democratic ticket against Ford for the
     Republicans. Do you remember for sure whether or not
     you voted in that election?

       PCT      N  VALUE  LABEL
      62.9   3952      1  VOTED
      29.5   1852      2  DID NOT VOTE
       7.4    466      3  NOT ELIGIBLE
       0.2     11      4  REFUSED
               96      8  DK
               13      9  NA
            25990      .  (No Data)
            32380 cases

     Type: numeric     Min: 1     MD Codes: 0
     Decimals:   0     Max: 4

     Input location: 1/245

pres76             VOTE FOR CARTER OR FORD

     IF VOTED: Did you vote for Carter or Ford?

       PCT      N  VALUE  LABEL
      57.4   2214      1  CARTER
      40.7   1571      2  FORD
       1.0     38      3  OTHER
       0.7     26      4  REFUSED
       0.2      8      5  NO PRES. VOTE
               62      8  DK
               46      9  NA
            28415      .  (No Data)
            32380 cases

     Type: numeric     Min: 1     MD Codes: 0
     Decimals:   0     Max: 5

     Input location: 1/246

if76who            WHO WOULD R HAVE VOTED FOR-1976 ELECTION

     IF DID NOT VOTE OR INELIGIBLE: Who would you have
     voted for, for President, if you had voted?

       PCT      N  VALUE  LABEL
      57.2   1158      1  CARTER
      36.8    745      2  FORD
       4.9     99      3  OTHER
       0.0      1      4  REFUSED
       1.0     20      5  WOULDNT VOTE
              246      8  DK
               79      9  NA
            30032      .  (No Data)
            32380 cases

     Type: numeric     Min: 1     MD Codes: 0
     Decimals:   0     Max: 5

     Input location: 1/247

vote80             DID R VOTE IN 1980 ELECTION

     In 1980, you remember that Carter ran for President on
     the Democratic ticket against Reagan for the
     Republicans, and Anderson as an Independent. Do you
     remember for sure whether or not you voted in that

       PCT      N  VALUE  LABEL
      65.8   5353      1  VOTED
      26.3   2141      2  DID NOT VOTE
       7.6    615      3  NOT ELIGIBLE
       0.3     21      4  REFUSED
              131      8  DK
               24      9  NA
            24095      .  (No Data)
            32380 cases

     Type: numeric     Min: 1     MD Codes: 0
     Decimals:   0     Max: 4

     Input location: 1/248


     IF VOTED: Did you vote for Carter, Reagan, or

       PCT      N  VALUE  LABEL
      50.2   2635      1  CARTER
      42.2   2218      2  REAGAN
       5.9    308      3  ANDERSON
       0.5     25      4  OTHER
       1.0     52      5  REFUSED
       0.2     13      6  DIDNT VOTE
               82      8  DK
               44      9  NA
            27003      .  (No Data)
            32380 cases

     Type: numeric     Min: 1     MD Codes: 0
     Decimals:   0     Max: 6

     Input location: 1/249

if80who            WHO WOULD R HAVE VOTED FOR-1980 ELECTION

     IF DID NOT VOTE OR INELIGIBLE: Who would you have
     voted for, for President, if you had voted?

       PCT      N  VALUE  LABEL
      51.1   1197      1  CARTER
      37.8    884      2  REAGAN
       6.8    159      3  ANDERSON
       3.9     92      4  OTHER
       0.3      8      5  WOULDNT VOTE
       0.0      1      7  REFUSED
              352      8  DK
               77      9  NA
            29610      .  (No Data)
            32380 cases

     Type: numeric     Min: 1     MD Codes: 0
     Decimals:   0     Max: 7

     Input location: 1/250

vote84             DID R VOTE IN 1984 ELECTION

     In 1984, you remember that Mondale ran for President
     on the Democratic ticket against Reagan for the
     Republicans. Do you remember for sure whether or not
     you voted in that election?

       PCT      N  VALUE  LABEL
      66.3   5093      1  VOTED
      27.6   2120      2  DID NOT VOTE
       5.8    442      3  NOT ELIGIBLE
       0.4     28      4  REFUSED
              143      8  DK
               15      9  NA
            24539      .  (No Data)
            32380 cases

     Type: numeric     Min: 1     MD Codes: 0
     Decimals:   0     Max: 4

     Input location: 1/251

pres84             VOTE FOR REAGAN OR MONDALE

     IF VOTED: Did you vote for Mondale or Reagan?

       PCT      N  VALUE  LABEL
      39.5   1961      1  MONDALE
      58.6   2911      2  REAGAN
       0.7     37      3  OTHER
       0.8     38      4  REFUSED
       0.4     21      5  NO PRES. VOTE
               81      8  DK
               61      9  NA
            27270      .  (No Data)
            32380 cases

     Type: numeric     Min: 1     MD Codes: 0
     Decimals:   0     Max: 5

     Input location: 1/252

if84who            WHO WOULD R HAVE VOTED FOR-1984 ELECTION

     IF DID NOT VOTE OR INELIGIBLE: Who would you have
     voted for, for President, if you had voted?

       PCT      N  VALUE  LABEL
      36.5    782      1  MONDALE
      56.1   1202      2  REAGAN
       7.1    153      3  OTHER
       0.3      7      4  WOULDNT VOTE
              336      8  DK
              119      9  NA
            29781      .  (No Data)
            32380 cases

     Type: numeric     Min: 1     MD Codes: 0
     Decimals:   0     Max: 4

     Input location: 1/253

vote88             DID R VOTE IN 1988 ELECTION

     In 1988, you remember that Dukakis ran for President
     on the Democratic ticket against Bush for the
     Republicans. Do you remember for sure whether or not
     you voted in that election?

       PCT      N  VALUE  LABEL
      65.0   3863      1  VOTED
      29.7   1765      2  DID NOT VOTE
       4.5    269      3  NOT ELIGIBLE
       0.8     45      4  REFUSED
               80      8  DK
               10      9  NA
            26348      .  (No Data)
            32380 cases

     Type: numeric     Min: 1     MD Codes: 0
     Decimals:   0     Max: 4

     Input location: 1/254

pres88             VOTE FOR DUKAKIS OR BUSH

     IF VOTED: Did you vote for Dukakis or Bush?

       PCT      N  VALUE  LABEL
      37.6   1406      1  DUKAKIS
      60.9   2277      2  BUSH
       1.0     38      3  OTHER
       0.1      2      4  REFUSED
       0.4     14      5  NO PRES. VOTE
               66      8  DK
               70      9  NA
            28507      .  (No Data)
            32380 cases

     Type: numeric     Min: 1     MD Codes: 0
     Decimals:   0     Max: 5

     Input location: 1/255

if88who            WHO WOULD R HAVE VOTED FOR-1988 ELECTION

     IF DID NOT VOTE OR INELIGIBLE: Who would you have
     voted for, for President, if you had voted?

       PCT      N  VALUE  LABEL
      26.0    424      1  DUKAKIS
      66.9   1090      2  BUSH
       7.1    116      3  OTHER
              327      8  DK
               91      9  NA
            30332      .  (No Data)
            32380 cases

     Type: numeric     Min: 1     MD Codes: 0
     Decimals:   0     Max: 3

     Input location: 1/256

vote92             DID R VOTE IN 1992 ELECTION

     In 1992, you remember that Clinton ran for President
     on the Democratic ticket against Bush for the
     Republicans and Perot as an Independent. Do you
     remember for sure whether or not you voted in that

       PCT      N  VALUE  LABEL
      69.3   3162      1  VOTED
      27.7   1264      2  DID NOT VOTE
       2.6    117      3  NOT ELIGIBLE
       0.4     20      4  REFUSED
               28      8  DK
                7      9  NA
            27782      .  (No Data)
            32380 cases

     Type: numeric     Min: 1     MD Codes: 0
     Decimals:   0     Max: 4

     Input location: 1/257

pres92             VOTE FOR CLINTON, BUSH, PEROT

     IF VOTED: Did you vote for Clinton, Bush, or Perot?

       PCT      N  VALUE  LABEL
      45.5   1404      1  CLINTON
      36.1   1115      2  BUSH
      17.8    549      3  PEROT
       0.3      9      4  OTHER
       0.3      8      6  NO PRES. VOTE
               31      8  DK
               51      9  NA
            29213      .  (No Data)
            32380 cases

     Type: numeric     Min: 1     MD Codes: 0
     Decimals:   0     Max: 6

     Input location: 1/258

if92who            WHO WOULD R HAVE VOTED FOR-1992 ELECTION

     IF DID NOT VOTE OR INELIGIBLE: Who would you have
     voted for, for President, had you voted?

       PCT      N  VALUE  LABEL
      44.8    541      1  CLINTON
      29.6    358      2  BUSH
      21.9    264      3  PEROT
       3.7     45      4  OTHER
              150      8  DK
               38      9  NA
            30984      .  (No Data)
            32380 cases

     Type: numeric     Min: 1     MD Codes: 0
     Decimals:   0     Max: 4

     Input location: 1/259


     We hear a lot of talk these days about liberals and
     conservatives. I'm going to show you a seven-point
     scale on which the political views that people might
     hold are arranged from extremely liberal--point 1--to
     extremely conservative--point 7. Where would you place
     yourself on this scale?

       PCT      N  VALUE  LABEL
       2.4    642      1  EXTREMELY LIBERAL
      11.4   3084      2  LIBERAL
      13.8   3721      3  SLIGHTLY LIBERAL
      38.9  10508      4  MODERATE
      16.9   4576      5  SLGHTLY CONSERVATIVE
      13.9   3756      6  CONSERVATIVE
       2.8    758      7  EXTRMLY CONSERVATIVE
             1223      8  DK
              200      9  NA
             3912      .  (No Data)
            32380 cases

     Type: numeric     Min: 1     MD Codes: 0
     Decimals:   0     Max: 7

     Input location: 1/273


     We hear a lot of talk these days about liberals and
     conservatives. I'm going to show you a seven-point
     scale on which the political views that people might
     hold are arranged from extremely liberal--point 1--to
     extremely conservative--point 7. Where would you place
     yourself on this scale, or haven't you thought much
     about this?

       PCT      N       VALUE  LABEL
      16.5    124           0  HAVENT THGHT ABT IT
       1.6     12           1  EXTREMELY LIBERAL
       8.8     66           2  LIBERAL
      14.5    109           3  SLIGHTLY LIBERAL
      31.8    239           4  MODERATE
      15.4    116           5  SLGHTLY CONSERVATIVE
       9.9     74           6  CONSERVATIVE
       1.5     11           7  EXTRMLY CONSERVATIVE
               17           8  DK
                3           9  NA
            31609           .  (No Data)
            32380 cases

     Type: numeric     Min: 0     MD Codes: none
     Decimals:   0     Max: 7

     Input location: 1/274


     In poltiical matters, people talk of "the left" and
     "the right." How would you place your views on this

       PCT      N  VALUE  LABEL
       2.2     16      1  LEFT
       2.3     17      2
       6.3     46      3
      10.5     77      4
      42.6    311      5
      14.0    102      6
      11.2     82      7
       6.3     46      8
       1.9     14      9
       2.6     19     10  RIGHT
               55     98  DK
               10     99  NA
            31585      .  (No Data)
            32380 cases

     Type: numeric     Min:  1     MD Codes: 0
     Decimals:   0     Max: 10

     Input location: 1/275-276

1972-1994 General Social Survey Cumulative File