1972-1994 General Social Survey Cumulative File

Respondent's Background and Childhood

sex                RESPONDENTS SEX

       PCT      N  VALUE  LABEL
      43.8  14182      1  MALE
      56.2  18198      2  FEMALE
            32380 cases

     Type: numeric     Min: 1     MD Codes: none
     Decimals:   0     Max: 2

     Input location: 1/109

race               RACE OF RESPONDENT

     MIND. What race do you consider yourself? RECORD

       PCT      N  VALUE  LABEL
      84.2  27255      1  WHITE
      13.5   4381      2  BLACK
       2.3    744      3  OTHER
            32380 cases

     Type: numeric     Min: 1     MD Codes: none
     Decimals:   0     Max: 3

     Input location: 1/110

res16              TYPE OF PLACE LIVED IN WHEN 16 YRS OLD

     Which of the categories on this card comes closest to
     the type of place you were living in when you were 16
     years old?

       PCT      N  VALUE  LABEL
      10.7   3454      1  COUNTRY,NONFARM
      19.3   6237      2  FARM
      31.3  10104      3  TOWN LT 50000
      14.1   4545      4  50000 TO 250000
       9.2   2981      5  BIG-CITY SUBURB
      15.4   4987      6  CITY GT 250000
               20      8  DK
               52      9  NA
            32380 cases

     Type: numeric     Min: 1     MD Codes: none
     Decimals:   0     Max: 6

     Input location: 1/111

reg16              REGION OF RESIDENCE, AGE 16

     In what state of foreign country were you living when
     you were 16 years old?

       PCT      N  VALUE  LABEL
       4.5   1452      0  FOREIGN
       4.7   1522      1  NEW ENGLAND
      16.1   5197      2  MIDDLE ATLANTIC
      20.1   6498      3  E. NOR. CENTRAL
       9.2   2979      4  W. NOR. CENTRAL
      16.0   5174      5  SOUTH ATLANTIC
       8.2   2662      6  E. SOU. CENTRAL
       8.8   2854      7  W. SOU. CENTRAL
       3.9   1265      8  MOUNTAIN
       8.6   2777      9  PACIFIC
            32380 cases

     Type: numeric     Min: 0     MD Codes: none
     Decimals:   0     Max: 9

     Input location: 1/112


     When you were 16 years old, were you living in this
     same (city/twon/country)?

       PCT      N  VALUE  LABEL
      42.2  13479      1  SAME CITY
      25.4   8120      2  SAME ST,DIF CITY
      32.3  10313      3  DIFFERENT STATE
                2      8  DK
              466      9  NA
            32380 cases

     Type: numeric     Min: 1     MD Codes: none
     Decimals:   0     Max: 3

     Input location: 1/113

family16           LIVING WITH PARENTS WHEN 16 YRS OLD

     Were you living with both your own mother and father
     around the time you were 16? (IF NO: With whom were
     you living around that time?) (IF R. MARRIED OR LEFT

       PCT      N  VALUE  LABEL
       2.0    637      0  OTHER
      74.1  23966      1  MOTHER & FATHER
       1.9    602      2  FATHER & STPMOTHER
       4.3   1388      3  MOTHER & STPFATHER
       2.3    750      4  FATHER
      11.3   3650      5  MOTHER
       0.4    117      6  MALE RELATIVE
       1.5    480      7  FEMALE RELATIVE
       2.4    772      8  M AND F RELATIVES
               18      9  NA
            32380 cases

     Type: numeric     Min: 0     MD Codes: 9
     Decimals:   0     Max: 8

     Input location: 1/114



       PCT      N  VALUE  LABEL
      46.5   3608      1  PARENT DIED
      42.0   3256      2  DIVORCE,SEPARATED
       0.2     15      3  ARMED FORCES
       0.3     25      4  INSTITUTION
      11.0    852      5  OTHER
               79      8  DK
              164      9  NA
            24381      .  (No Data)
            32380 cases

     Type: numeric     Min: 1     MD Codes: 0
     Decimals:   0     Max: 5

     Input location: 1/115


     Did your mother ever work for pay for as long as a
     year, after she was married?

       PCT      N  VALUE  LABEL
      58.0  14100      1  YES
      42.0  10212      2  NO
              411      8  DK
              255      9  NA
             7402      .  (No Data)
            32380 cases

     Type: numeric     Min: 1     MD Codes: 0
     Decimals:   0     Max: 2

     Input location: 1/116


     IF YES: Did she work for as long as a year before you
     started first grade?

       PCT      N  VALUE  LABEL
      43.3   2628      1  YES
      56.7   3444      2  NO
              271      8  DK
              161      9  NA
            25876      .  (No Data)
            32380 cases

     Type: numeric     Min: 1     MD Codes: 0
     Decimals:   0     Max: 2

     Input location: 1/117


     IF YES: Did she work as long as a year after you were
     born and before you started first grade?

       PCT      N  VALUE  LABEL
      46.1   2528      1  YES
      53.9   2955      2  NO
              204      8  DK
               65      9  NA
            26628      .  (No Data)
            32380 cases

     Type: numeric     Min: 1     MD Codes: 0
     Decimals:   0     Max: 2

     Input location: 1/118

mawk16             MOTHERS EMPLOYMENT WHEN R WAS 16

     Did she work for as long as a year around the time you
     were 16?

       PCT      N  VALUE  LABEL
      67.7   4268      1  YES
      32.3   2032      2  NO
               29      8  DK
              175      9  NA
            25876      .  (No Data)
            32380 cases

     Type: numeric     Min: 1     MD Codes: 0
     Decimals:   0     Max: 2

     Input location: 1/119


       PCT      N  VALUE  LABEL
      59.7   1683      1  YES
      40.3   1135      2  NO
               10      8  DK
               13      9  NA
            29539      .  (No Data)
            32380 cases

     Type: numeric     Min: 1     MD Codes: 0
     Decimals:   0     Max: 2

     Input location: 1/120

incom16            RS FAMILY INCOME WHEN 16 YRS OLD

     Thinking about the time when you were 16 years old,
     compared with American families in general then, would
     you say your family income was--far below average,
     below average, average, above average, or far above
     average? (PROBE: Just your best guess).

       PCT      N  VALUE  LABEL
       7.9   2426      1  FAR BELOW AVERAGE
      23.9   7290      2  BELOW AVERAGE
      52.1  15929      3  AVERAGE
      14.4   4391      4  ABOVE AVERAGE
       1.7    511      5  FAR ABOVE AVERAGE
               10      7  LIVED IN INSTITUTION
              260      8  DK
               93      9  NA
             1470      .  (No Data)
            32380 cases

     Type: numeric     Min: 1     MD Codes: none
     Decimals:   0     Max: 5

     Input location: 1/121

born               WAS R BORN IN THIS COUNTRY

     Were you born in this country?

       PCT      N  VALUE  LABEL
      93.4  23066      1  YES
       6.6   1619      2  NO
                2      8  DK
              103      9  NA
             7590      .  (No Data)
            32380 cases

     Type: numeric     Min: 1     MD Codes: 0
     Decimals:   0     Max: 2

     Input location: 1/122


     Were both your parents born in this country? (IF THE
     IN Q.S 8, 16, 17, 20, AND 21.)

       PCT      N       VALUE  LABEL
      82.6  20406           0  BOTH IN U.S
       3.4    842           1  MOTHER ONLY
       2.2    548           2  FATHER ONLY
       0.2     45           3  MOTHER; FA. DK
       0.0      9           4  NOT MOTHER;FA.DK
       0.0      5           5  FATHER; MO.DK
       0.0      5           6  NOT FATHER;MO.DK
       0.1     34           7  DK FOR BOTH
      11.3   2798           8  NEITHER IN U.S
               98           9  NA
             7590           .  (No Data)
            32380 cases

     Type: numeric     Min: 0     MD Codes: 9
     Decimals:   0     Max: 8

     Input location: 1/123


     Were all of your four grandparents born in this
     country? How many were born outside the United States?

       PCT      N  VALUE  LABEL
      59.6  13844      0  ALL IN U.S
       6.5   1512      1
      11.5   2662      2
       2.6    600      3
      19.9   4616      4
              269      8  DK
              136      9  NA
             8741      .  (No Data)
            32380 cases

     Type: numeric     Min: 0     MD Codes: none
     Decimals:   0     Max: 4

     Input location: 1/124

Respondent's Current Household Composition


     Household Size and Composition (see Appendix D:
     Recodes, for information about these variables).

       PCT      N  VALUE  LABEL
      19.7   6383      1
      31.6  10219      2
      18.1   5868      3
      16.3   5268      4
       8.4   2730      5
       3.4   1086      6
       1.4    448      7
       0.6    196      8
       0.3     89      9
       0.2     59     10
       0.0     12     11
       0.0      6     12
       0.0      6     13
       0.0      2     14
       0.0      1     15
       0.0      1     16
                6     99  NA
            32380 cases

     Type: numeric     Min:  1     MD Codes: 0
     Decimals:   0     Max: 16

     Input location: 1/125-126


       PCT      N  VALUE  LABEL
      80.6  26009      0
      13.2   4253      1
       5.1   1655      2
       0.9    300      3
       0.1     38      4
       0.0      6      5
              119      9  NA
            32380 cases

     Type: numeric     Min: 0     MD Codes: 9
     Decimals:   0     Max: 5

     Input location: 1/127

preteen            HOUSEHOLD MEMBERS 6 THRU 12 YRS OLD

       PCT      N  VALUE  LABEL
      78.1  25170      0
      13.4   4311      1
       6.5   2108      2
       1.6    512      3
       0.3    104      4
       0.1     24      5
       0.0      5      6
              146      9  NA
            32380 cases

     Type: numeric     Min: 0     MD Codes: 9
     Decimals:   0     Max: 6

     Input location: 1/128

teens              HOUSEHOLD MEMBERS 13 THRU 17 YRS OLD

       PCT      N  VALUE  LABEL
      81.7  26389      0
      12.3   3962      1
       4.7   1530      2
       1.1    351      3
       0.2     56      4
       0.0      7      5
       0.0      2      6
       0.0      1      8  8 OR MORE
               82      9  NA
            32380 cases

     Type: numeric     Min: 0     MD Codes: 9
     Decimals:   0     Max: 8

     Input location: 1/129


       PCT      N  VALUE  LABEL
      25.2   8167      1
      57.6  18644      2
      12.1   3923      3
       3.8   1242      4
       0.9    291      5
       0.2     69      6
       0.0     15      7
       0.0      7      8  8 OR MORE
               22      9  NA
            32380 cases

     Type: numeric     Min: 1     MD Codes: 9
     Decimals:   0     Max: 8

     Input location: 1/130


     Is everyone in the household related to you in some
     way? IF NO: How many persons in the household are not
     related to you in any way?

       PCT      N       VALUE  LABEL
      92.4  23645           0
       5.7   1446           1
       1.2    310           2
       0.4    112           3
       0.2     40           4
       0.1     17           5
       0.0      8           6
       0.0      3           7
       0.0      3           8  8 OR MORE
              212           9  NA
             6584           .  (No Data)
            32380 cases

     Type: numeric     Min: 0     MD Codes: 9
     Decimals:   0     Max: 8

     Input location: 1/131



     Just thinking about your family now--those people in
     the household who are related to you . . . How many
     persons in the family, including yourself, earned any
     money last year -- 1971/72/73/74/75/76/77/79/81/82/83/
     84/85/86/87/88/89/90/92 -- from any job or employment?

       PCT      N  VALUE  LABEL
      16.3   5208      0
      39.5  12637      1
      32.4  10380      2
       7.7   2469      3
       3.1    979      4
       0.8    267      5
       0.2     61      6
       0.0     16      7
       0.0      7      8  EIGHT OR MORE
              356      9  NA
            32380 cases

     Type: numeric     Min: 0     MD Codes: 9
     Decimals:   0     Max: 8

     Input location: 1/132

income             TOTAL FAMILY INCOME

     In which of these groups did your total family income,
     from all sources, fall last year before taxes, that
     is? Just tell me the letter.

       PCT      N  VALUE  LABEL
       1.3    371      1  LT $1000
       3.3    956      2  $1000 TO 2999
       3.4   1009      3  $3000 TO 3999
       3.2    949      4  $4000 TO 4999
       3.4    985      5  $5000 TO 5999
       3.0    895      6  $6000 TO 6999
       3.2    934      7  $7000 TO 7999
       5.2   1540      8  $8000 TO 9999
      14.9   4380      9  $10000 - 14999
      11.3   3302     10  $15000 - 19999
      10.2   2997     11  $20000 - 24999
      33.3   9765     12  $25000 OR MORE
       4.3   1265     13  REFUSED
             1262     98  DK
              157     99  NA
             1613      .  (No Data)
            32380 cases

     Type: numeric     Min:  1     MD Codes: 0
     Decimals:   0     Max: 13

     Input location: 1/133-134

rincome            RESPONDENTS INCOME

     Did you earn any income from (OCCUPATION DESCRIBED IN
     Q. 2) in [1973/74/75/76/77/79/80/82/83/84/85/86/87/
     88/89/90/92]? IF YES: In which of these groups did
     your earnings from (OCCUPATION IN Q. 2) for last year-
     -[1973-1990]--fall? That is, before taxes or other
     deductions. Just tell me the letter.

       PCT      N  VALUE  LABEL
       4.7    892      1  LT $1000
       6.7   1257      2  $1000 TO 2999
       4.4    824      3  $3000 TO 3999
       3.8    715      4  $4000 TO 4999
       3.9    741      5  $5000 TO 5999
       3.5    651      6  $6000 TO 6999
       3.6    674      7  $7000 TO 7999
       6.4   1202      8  $8000 TO 9999
      16.4   3089      9  $10000 - 14999
      11.8   2212     10  $15000 - 19999
       9.7   1831     11  $20000 - 24999
      21.3   3994     12  $25000 OR MORE
       3.8    711     13  REFUSED
              197     98  DK
              514     99  NA
            12876      .  (No Data)
            32380 cases

     Type: numeric     Min:  1     MD Codes: 0
     Decimals:   0     Max: 13

     Input location: 1/135-136

income72           TOTAL FAMILY INCOME

     In which of these groups did your total family income,
     from all sources, fall last year--1971--before taxes,
     that is?

       PCT      N  VALUE  LABEL
       8.0    123      1  LT $2000
      10.7    165      2  $2000 TO $3999
      10.4    160      3  $4000 TO $5999
      10.4    160      4  $6000 TO $7999
      12.5    192      5  $8000 TO $9999
      14.1    217      6  $10000 TO $12499
      10.4    159      7  $12500 TO $14999
       6.7    103      8  $15000 TO $17499
       4.1     63      9  $17500 TO $19999
       4.4     67     10  $20000 TO $24999
       2.1     33     11  $25000 TO $29999
       2.1     32     12  $30000+
       4.0     62     13  REFUSED
               64     98  DK
               13     99  NA
            30767      .  (No Data)
            32380 cases

     Type: numeric     Min:  1     MD Codes: 0
     Decimals:   0     Max: 13

     Input location: 1/137-138

income77           TOTAL FAMILY INCOME

     Family income on 1977-1980 surveys. In which of these
     groups did your total family income, from all sources,
     fall last year before taxes, that is? Just tell me the

       PCT      N  VALUE  LABEL
       1.2     52      1  LT $1000
       4.1    175      2  $1000-2999
       5.1    221      3  $3000-3999
       3.5    153      4  $4000-4999
       4.1    177      5  $5000-5999
       4.3    185      6  $6000-6999
       4.3    186      7  $7000-7999
       6.8    295      8  $8000-9999
       9.6    415      9  $10000-12499
       8.4    363     10  $12500-14999
       8.4    363     11  $15000-17499
       6.8    292     12  $17500-19999
       7.0    303     13  $20000-22499
       5.9    256     14  $22500-24999
      14.4    620     15  $25000-49999
       3.1    132     16  $50000 +
       2.9    124     17  REFUSED
              201     98  DK
               17     99  NA
            27850      .  (No Data)
            32380 cases

     Type: numeric     Min:  1     MD Codes: 0
     Decimals:   0     Max: 17

     Input location: 1/139-140

rincom77           RESPONDENTS INCOME

     Respondent's income on 1977/78/80 surveys. Did you
     earn any income from (OCCUPATION DESCRIBED IN Q. 2) in
     ? IF YES: In which of these groups did your earnings
     from (OCCUPATION IN Q. 2) for last year--[1973-1990]--
     fall? That is, before taxes or other deductions. Just
     tell me the letter.

       PCT      N  VALUE  LABEL
       6.2    175      1  LT $1000
       9.7    275      2  $1000-2999
       5.4    152      3  $3000-3999
       4.5    127      4  $4000-4999
       5.7    161      5  $5000-5999
       4.6    132      6  $6000-6999
       4.8    137      7  $7000-7999
       9.5    271      8  $8000-9999
      12.2    348      9  $10000-12499
       8.5    241     10  $12500-14999
       7.4    209     11  $15000-17499
       5.6    160     12  $17500-19999
       3.7    105     13  $20000-22499
       2.6     75     14  $22500-24999
       5.8    164     15  $25000-49999
       1.5     42     16  $50000 +
       2.4     67     17  REFUSED
               28     98  DK
              121     99  NA
            29390      .  (No Data)
            32380 cases

     Type: numeric     Min:  1     MD Codes: 0
     Decimals:   0     Max: 17

     Input location: 1/141-142

income82           TOTAL FAMILY INCOME

     Family income on 1982-1985 surveys. In which of these
     groups did your total family income, from all sources,
     fall last year before taxes, that is? Just tell me the

       PCT      N  VALUE  LABEL
       1.2     73      1  LT $1000
       2.6    160      2  $1000-2999
       3.5    217      3  $3000-3999
       3.2    195      4  $4000-4999
       3.4    208      5  $5000-5999
       3.0    184      6  $6000-6999
       2.7    168      7  $7000-7999
       4.8    298      8  $8000-9999
       7.6    468      9  $10000-12499
       6.9    429     10  $12500-14999
       5.9    364     11  $15000-17499
       4.5    279     12  $17500-19999
       6.2    386     13  $20000-22499
       5.8    361     14  $22500-24999
      15.0    929     15  $25000-34999
      10.8    667     16  $35000-49999
       8.2    507     17  $50000 +
       4.6    284     18  REFUSED
              278     98  DK
               11     99  NA
            25914      .  (No Data)
            32380 cases

     Type: numeric     Min:  1     MD Codes: 0
     Decimals:   0     Max: 18

     Input location: 1/143-144

rincom82           RESPONDENTS INCOME

     Respondent's income on 1982-85 surveys. Did you earn
     any income from (OCCUPATION DESCRIBED IN Q. 2) in
     ? IF YES: In which of these groups did your earnings
     from (OCCUPATION IN Q. 2) for last year--[1973-1990]--
     fall? That is, before taxes or other deductions. Just
     tell me the letter.

       PCT      N  VALUE  LABEL
       4.7    195      1  LT $1000
       6.4    269      2  $1000-2999
       4.3    180      3  $3000-3999
       3.4    143      4  $4000-4999
       3.7    155      5  $5000-5999
       3.8    160      6  $6000-6999
       3.7    156      7  $7000-7999
       5.9    247      8  $8000-9999
       9.7    405      9  $10000-12499
       8.7    361     10  $12500-14999
       6.6    274     11  $15000-17499
       5.9    248     12  $17500-19999
       6.3    263     13  $20000-22499
       5.3    219     14  $22500-24999
       9.4    393     15  $25000-34999
       5.0    208     16  $35000-49999
       3.2    134     17  $50000 +
       3.9    161     18  REFUSED
               43     98  DK
               46     99  NA
            28120      .  (No Data)
            32380 cases

     Type: numeric     Min:  1     MD Codes: 0
     Decimals:   0     Max: 18

     Input location: 1/145-146

income86           TOTAL FAMILY INCOME

     Family income on 1986-1990 surveys. In which of these
     groups did your total family income, from all sources,
     fall last year before taxes, that is? Just tell me the

       PCT      N  VALUE  LABEL
       1.0     71      1  LT $1000
       1.8    129      2  $1000-2999
       2.1    152      3  $3000-3999
       2.9    211      4  $4000-4999
       2.6    188      5  $5000-5999
       2.4    174      6  $6000-6999
       2.6    189      7  $7000-7999
       3.8    277      8  $8000-9999
       5.9    431      9  $10000-12499
       5.5    402     10  $12500-14999
       5.0    367     11  $15000-17499
       4.6    334     12  $17500-19999
       5.1    374     13  $20000-22499
       4.7    343     14  $22500-24999
       7.9    580     15  $25000-29999
       7.8    573     16  $30000-34999
       6.6    481     17  $35000-39999
       8.2    597     18  $40000-49999
       5.7    419     19  $50000-59999
       9.4    685     20  $60000+
       4.7    342     21  REFUSED
              329     98  DK
               31     99  NA
            24701      .  (No Data)
            32380 cases

     Type: numeric     Min:  1     MD Codes: 0
     Decimals:   0     Max: 21

     Input location: 1/147-148

rincom86           RESPONDENTS INCOME

     Respondent's income on 1986-90 surveys. Did you earn
     any income from (OCCUPATION DESCRIBED IN Q. 2) in
     ? IF YES: In which of these groups did your earnings
     from (OCCUPATION IN Q. 2) for last year--[1973-1990]--
     fall? That is, before taxes or other deductions. Just
     tell me the letter.

       PCT      N  VALUE  LABEL
       3.7    188      1  LT $1000
       5.0    254      2  $1000-2999
       3.6    183      3  $3000-3999
       3.0    153      4  $4000-4999
       3.2    164      5  $5000-5999
       2.7    138      6  $6000-6999
       3.1    156      7  $7000-7999
       4.7    236      8  $8000-9999
       7.7    391      9  $10000-12499
       7.3    368     10  $12500-14999
       6.2    313     11  $15000-17499
       6.3    317     12  $17500-19999
       5.9    300     13  $20000-22499
       5.8    294     14  $22500-24999
       7.8    397     15  $25000-29999
       6.0    306     16  $30000-34999
       4.4    224     17  $35000-39999
       4.7    238     18  $40000-49999
       1.9     95     19  $50000-59999
       2.8    144     20  $60000+
       3.9    199     21  REFUSED
               44     98  DK
               44     99  NA
            27234      .  (No Data)
            32380 cases

     Type: numeric     Min:  1     MD Codes: 0
     Decimals:   0     Max: 21

     Input location: 1/149-150

income91           TOTAL FAMILY INCOME

     Family income on 1991-1993 surveys. In which of these
     groups did your total family income, from all sources,
     fall last year before taxes, that is? Just tell me the

       PCT      N  VALUE  LABEL
       0.9     51      1  LT $1000
       1.3     78      2  $1000-2999
       1.6     92      3  $3000-3999
       1.9    109      4  $4000-4999
       2.1    122      5  $5000-5999
       1.6     92      6  $6000-6999
       1.6     94      7  $7000-7999
       2.7    157      8  $8000-9999
       4.8    276      9  $10000-12499
       4.6    267     10  $12500-14999
       4.8    280     11  $15000-17499
       4.0    232     12  $17500-19999
       4.3    248     13  $20000-22499
       4.8    281     14  $22500-24999
       7.0    405     15  $25000-29999
       7.3    426     16  $30000-34999
       6.1    356     17  $35000-39999
      10.2    590     18  $40000-49999
       7.4    427     19  $50000-59999
       6.5    377     20  $60000-74999
       8.8    511     21  $75000+
       5.7    332     22  REFUSED
              232     98  DK
               80     99  NA
            26265      .  (No Data)
            32380 cases

     Type: numeric     Min:  1     MD Codes: 0
     Decimals:   0     Max: 22

     Input location: 1/151-152

rincom91           RESPONDENTS INCOME

     Respondent's income on 1991-93 surveys. Did you earn
     any income from (OCCUPATION DESCRIBED IN Q. 2) in
     ? IF YES: In which of these groups did your earnings
     from (OCCUPATION IN Q. 2) for last year--[1973-1990]--
     fall? That is, before taxes or other deductions. Just
     tell me the letter.

       PCT      N  VALUE  LABEL
       2.9    117      1  LT $1000
       3.2    130      2  $1000-2999
       3.2    131      3  $3000-3999
       2.4    100      4  $4000-4999
       2.5    102      5  $5000-5999
       1.7     71      6  $6000-6999
       1.6     65      7  $7000-7999
       4.4    180      8  $8000-9999
       5.9    240      9  $10000-12499
       5.8    239     10  $12500-14999
       6.1    250     11  $15000-17499
       5.8    237     12  $17500-19999
       5.6    228     13  $20000-22499
       6.2    253     14  $22500-24999
       8.8    359     15  $25000-29999
       7.7    315     16  $30000-34999
       5.4    220     17  $35000-39999
       7.0    287     18  $40000-49999
       3.7    150     19  $50000-59999
       2.1     86     20  $60000-74999
       3.2    131     21  $75000+
       5.0    204     22  REFUSED
               51     98  DK
              119     99  NA
            28115      .  (No Data)
            32380 cases

     Type: numeric     Min:  1     MD Codes: 0
     Decimals:   0     Max: 22

     Input location: 1/153-154

weekswrk           WEEKS R. WORKED LAST YEAR

     Now I'd like to ask you about last year.  In 1993 how many
     weeks did you work either full-time or part-time not
     counting work around the house -- include paid vacations
     and sick leave?

     32380 cases

     Type: numeric     Min:  0     MD Codes: none
     Decimals:   0     Max: 52

     Input location: 1/155-156

partfull           WAS R'S WORK PART-TIME OR FULL-TIME?

     A.  When you worked in 1993, was it usually full
     or part time?

       PCT      N  VALUE  LABEL
      80.5   1717      1  FULL-TIME
      19.5    415      2  PART-TIME
                2      8  DK
               52      9  NA
            30194      .  (No Data)
            32380 cases

     Type: numeric     Min: 1     MD Codes: 0
     Decimals:   0     Max: 2

     Input location: 1/157

1972-1994 General Social Survey Cumulative File