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ANES 2020 Time Series Full Release

Importance of Various Aspects of Politics

V201366PRE: How important that news organizations free to criticize
Percent N Value Label
10.2 839 1 1. Not important at all
7.4 612 2 2. A little important
21.9 1,799 3 3. Moderately important
21.0 1,725 4 4. Very important
39.5 3,248 5 5. Extremely important

51 -9 -9. Refused

6 -8 -8. Don't know

100.0 8,280
Data type: numeric
Minimum code defined as valid: 0
V201367PRE: How important branches of government keep one another from too much power
Percent N Value Label
1.1 92 1 1. Not important at all
2.6 217 2 2. A little important
13.1 1,077 3 3. Moderately important
26.1 2,154 4 4. Very important
57.1 4,703 5 5. Extremely important

34 -9 -9. Refused

3 -8 -8. Don't know

100.0 8,280
Data type: numeric
Minimum code defined as valid: 0
V201368PRE: How important elected officials face serious consequences for misconduct
Percent N Value Label
0.8 65 1 1. Not important at all
1.1 92 2 2. A little important
7.0 577 3 3. Moderately important
22.9 1,888 4 4. Very important
68.2 5,635 5 5. Extremely important

22 -9 -9. Refused

1 -8 -8. Don't know

100.0 8,280
Data type: numeric
Minimum code defined as valid: 0
V201369PRE: How important that people agree on basic facts
Percent N Value Label
2.4 197 1 1. Not important at all
2.9 235 2 2. A little important
19.9 1,642 3 3. Moderately important
36.2 2,980 4 4. Very important
38.6 3,179 5 5. Extremely important

46 -9 -9. Refused

1 -8 -8. Don't know

100.0 8,280
Data type: numeric
Minimum code defined as valid: 0
V201370PRE: Helpful or harmful if Pres didn't have to worry about congress/courts
Percent N Value Label
12.8 1,055 1 1. Helpful
65.3 5,360 2 2. Harmful
21.9 1,797 3 3. Neither helpful nor harmful

52 -9 -9. Refused

16 -8 -8. Don't know

100.0 8,280
Data type: numeric
Minimum code defined as valid: 0
V201371PRE: Helpful or harmful if Pres didn't have to worry about cong/courts (STRENGTH)
Percent N Value Label
61.6 3,951 1 1. Extremely
32.9 2,110 2 2. Moderately
5.5 350 3 3. A little

3 -9 -9. Refused

1 -8 -8. Don't know

1,865 -1 -1. Inapplicable

100.0 8,280
Data type: numeric
Minimum code defined as valid: 0
V201372xPRE: SUMMARY: Helpful/harmful if Pres didn't have to worry about congress/courts
Percent N Value Label
4.8 393 1 1. Extremely helpful
6.3 520 2 2. Moderately helpful
1.7 141 3 3. A little helpful
21.9 1,797 4 4. Neither helpful nor harmful
2.5 209 5 5. A little harmful
19.4 1,590 6 6. Moderately harmful
43.3 3,558 7 7. Extremely harmful

72 -2 -2. DK/RF in V201370 or V201371

100.0 8,280
Data type: numeric
Minimum code defined as valid: 0

Opinions About the Media

V201373PRE: Favor or oppose restricting journalist access
Percent N Value Label
16.1 1,322 1 1. Favor
55.6 4,568 2 2. Oppose
28.3 2,330 3 3. Neither favor nor oppose

49 -9 -9. Refused

11 -8 -8. Don't know

100.0 8,280
Data type: numeric
Minimum code defined as valid: 0
V201374PRE: Favor or oppose restricting journalist access (STRENGTH)
Percent N Value Label
59.9 3,525 1 1. A great deal
33.7 1,980 2 2. Moderately
6.4 379 3 3. A little

5 -9 -9. Refused

1 -8 -8. Don't know

2,390 -1 -1. Inapplicable

100.0 8,280
Data type: numeric
Minimum code defined as valid: 0
V201375xPRE: SUMMARY: Favor or oppose restricting journalist access
Percent N Value Label
7.1 587 1 1. Favor a great deal
7.3 603 2 2. Favor moderately
1.6 131 3 3. Favor a little
28.4 2,330 4 4. Neither favor nor oppose
3.0 248 5 5. Oppose a little
16.8 1,377 6 6. Oppose moderately
35.8 2,938 7 7. Oppose a great deal

66 -2 -2. DK/RF in V201373 or V201374

100.0 8,280
Data type: numeric
Minimum code defined as valid: 0
V201376PRE: How concerned government might undermine media
Percent N Value Label
13.0 1,068 1 1. Not at all concerned
11.0 904 2 2. A little concerned
24.9 2,046 3 3. Moderately concerned
20.5 1,683 4 4. Very concerned
30.6 2,517 5 5. Extremely concerned

57 -9 -9. Refused

5 -8 -8. Don't know

100.0 8,280
Data type: numeric
Minimum code defined as valid: 0
V201377PRE: How much trust in news media
Percent N Value Label
29.1 2,404 1 1. None
22.2 1,830 2 2. A little
28.5 2,352 3 3. A moderate amount
14.6 1,210 4 4. A lot
5.6 464 5 5. A great deal

17 -9 -9. Refused

3 -8 -8. Don't know

100.0 8,280
Data type: numeric
Minimum code defined as valid: 0

Corruption Principles and Compromise

V201378PRE: Appropriate/inappropriate Pres ask foreign countries to investigate rivals
Percent N Value Label
4.2 347 1 1. Very appropriate
7.8 641 2 2. Somewhat appropriate
21.0 1,723 3 3. Neither appropriate nor inappropriate
12.3 1,010 4 4. Somewhat inappropriate
54.6 4,483 5 5. Very inappropriate

72 -9 -9. Refused

4 -8 -8. Don't know

100.0 8,280
Data type: numeric
Minimum code defined as valid: 0
V201379PRE: Prefer government official who compromises or sticks to principles
Percent N Value Label
62.4 5,101 1 1. Compromises to get things done
37.6 3,070 2 2. Sticks to their principles no matter what

96 -9 -9. Refused

13 -8 -8. Don't know

100.0 8,280
Data type: numeric
Minimum code defined as valid: 0
V201380PRE: Corruption increased or decreased since Trump
Percent N Value Label
56.9 4,669 1 1. Increased
14.2 1,162 2 2. Decreased
28.9 2,371 3 3. Stayed the same

67 -9 -9. Refused

11 -8 -8. Don't know

100.0 8,280
Data type: numeric
Minimum code defined as valid: 0
V201381PRE: Corruption increased or decreased since Trump (STRENGTH)
Percent N Value Label
63.1 3,677 1 1. A great deal
28.5 1,660 2 2. A moderate amount
8.4 487 3 3. A little

7 -9 -9. Refused

2,449 -1 -1. Inapplicable

100.0 8,280
Data type: numeric
Minimum code defined as valid: 0
V201382xPRE: SUMMARY: Corruption increased or decreased since Trump
Percent N Value Label
41.4 3,394 1 1. Increased a great deal
13.0 1,068 2 2. Increased a moderate amount
2.5 203 3 3. Increased a little
28.9 2,371 4 4. Stayed the same
3.5 284 5 5. Decreased a little
7.2 592 6 6. Decreased a moderate amount
3.5 283 7 7. Decreased a great deal

85 -2 -2. DK/RF in V201380 or V201381

100.0 8,280
Data type: numeric
Minimum code defined as valid: 0
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