1972-1994 General Social Survey Cumulative File

Catalog Information

               (Machine-readable data file plus codebook)

Davis, James Allan and Smith, Tom W. GENERAL SOCIAL SURVEYS, 1972-1994
      [machine-readable data file] /Principal Investigator, James A.
      Davis; Director and Co-Principal Investigator, Tom W. Smith;
      sponsored by National Science Foundation. --NORC ed.-- Chicago:
      National Opinion Research Center [producer]; Storrs, CT.  The
      Roper Center for Public Opinion Research, University of
      Connecticut [distributor], 1994.

      1 data file (32,380 logical records) + 1 codebook (1073 pp.). --
        (National Data Program for the Social Sciences, no. 14).

Summary: This cumulative data file merges all 19 General Social Surveys
      (1972-1978, 1980, 1982-91, 1993-1994.  'Mere are no 1979, 1981 or
      1992 data.) into a single file with each year or survey acting as
      a subfile.  This arrangement of the data facilitates trend
      analysis on repeated questions over the 21-year period.


                          (Printed codebook only)

Davis, James Allan and Smith, Tom W. GENERAL SOCIAL SURVEYS, 1972-1994:
      CUMULATIVE CODEBOOK/ Principal Investigator, James A. Davis;
      Director and Co-PrincipaI Investigator, Tom W. Smith. -- Chicago:
      National Opinion Research Center, 1994. 1073 p., 28cm. -- (National
      Data Program for the Social Sciences Series, no. 14).

      This codebook is to be used in conjunction with the machine-readable
      data file titled General Social Survey, 1972-1994. 1. Social surveys
      - U.S. 2. Public Opinion - U.S. 1. Smith, Tom W. II.  National Opinion
      Research Center. 111.  Title.  IV.  Series.


                           BIBLIOGRAPHIC REFERENCE

Manuscripts using this data file should contain the following citation:

Davis, James Allan and Smith, Tom W.: GENERAL SOCIAL SURVEYS, 1972-1994.
      [machine-readable data file] . Principal Investigator, James A. Davis;
      Director and Co-Principal Investigator, Tom W. Smith.  NORC ed.
      Chicago: National Opinion Research Center, producer, 1994; Storrs, CT:
      The Roper Center for Public Opinion Research, University of Connecticut,
      distributor. 1 data file (32,380 logical records) and 1 codebook
      (1073 pp).


    ISBN 0-932132-51-0        (Codebook only)         ISSN 0161-3340

This publication may be copied in whole or in part by any copying or
duplicating process, provided it is not sold except to recover duplicating

*Cataloging was prepared with the assistance of Sue A. Dodd, Social Science
 Data Library, Institute for Research in Social Science, University of North
 Carolina, Chapel Hill.

1972-1994 General Social Survey Cumulative File