1972-1994 General Social Survey Cumulative File

Alienation Measures


     Now I want to read you some things some people have
     told us they have felt from time to time. Do you tend
     to feel or not: the people running the country don't
     really care what happens to you.

       PCT      N  VALUE  LABEL
      53.5    779      1  FEEL
      46.5    678      2  NOT FEEL
               63      8  DK
               12      9  NA
            30848      .  (No Data)
            32380 cases

     Type: numeric     Min: 1     MD Codes: 0
     Decimals:   0     Max: 2

     Input location: 1/567

alienat2           RICH GET RICHER, POOR POORER

     Do you tend to feel or not: the rich get richer and
     the poor get poorer.

       PCT      N  VALUE  LABEL
      75.9   1120      1  FEEL
      24.1    355      2  NOT FEEL
               43      8  DK
               14      9  NA
            30848      .  (No Data)
            32380 cases

     Type: numeric     Min: 1     MD Codes: 0
     Decimals:   0     Max: 2

     Input location: 1/568

alienat3           WHAT YOU THINK DOESNT COUNT

     Do you tend to feel or not: what you think doesn't
     count very much anymore.

       PCT      N  VALUE  LABEL
      58.5    836      1  FEEL
      41.5    594      2  NOT FEEL
               87      8  DK
               15      9  NA
            30848      .  (No Data)
            32380 cases

     Type: numeric     Min: 1     MD Codes: 0
     Decimals:   0     Max: 2

     Input location: 1/569

alienat4           YOU'RE LEFT OUT OF THINGS

     Do you tend to feel or not: you're left out of things
     going on around you.

       PCT      N  VALUE  LABEL
      29.1    429      1  FEEL
      70.9   1047      2  NOT FEEL
               42      8  DK
               14      9  NA
            30848      .  (No Data)
            32380 cases

     Type: numeric     Min: 1     MD Codes: 0
     Decimals:   0     Max: 2

     Input location: 1/570


     Do you tend to feel or not: most people with power try
     to take advantage of people like yourself.

       PCT      N  VALUE  LABEL
      57.5    845      1  FEEL
      42.5    625      2  NOT FEEL
               50      8  DK
               12      9  NA
            30848      .  (No Data)
            32380 cases

     Type: numeric     Min: 1     MD Codes: 0
     Decimals:   0     Max: 2

     Input location: 1/571

alienat6           PEOPLE IN WASH D.C. ARE OUT OF TOUCH

     Do you tend to feel or not: the people in Washington,
     D.C. are out of touch with the rest of the country.
     people like yourself.

       PCT      N  VALUE  LABEL
      59.8    854      1  FEEL
      40.2    573      2  NOT FEEL
               93      8  DK
               12      9  NA
            30848      .  (No Data)
            32380 cases

     Type: numeric     Min: 1     MD Codes: 0
     Decimals:   0     Max: 2

     Input location: 1/572

Health and Happiness

happy              GENERAL HAPPINESS

     Taken all together, how would you say things are these
     days--would you say that you are very happy, pretty
     happy, or not too happy?

       PCT      N  VALUE  LABEL
      32.3  10397      1  VERY HAPPY
      55.5  17839      2  PRETTY HAPPY
      12.2   3907      3  NOT TOO HAPPY
                3      8  DK
              234      9  NA
            32380 cases

     Type: numeric     Min: 1     MD Codes: 0
     Decimals:   0     Max: 3

     Input location: 1/573

hapmar             HAPPINESS OF MARRIAGE

     IF CURRENTLY MARRIED: Taking things all together, how
     would you describe your marriage? Would you say that
     your marriage is very happy, pretty happy, or not too

       PCT      N  VALUE  LABEL
      64.1  11405      1  VERY HAPPY
      32.9   5850      2  PRETTY HAPPY
       3.0    531      3  NOT TOO HAPPY
               31      8  DK
               93      9  NA
            14470      .  (No Data)
            32380 cases

     Type: numeric     Min: 1     MD Codes: 0
     Decimals:   0     Max: 3

     Input location: 1/574

health             CONDITION OF HEALTH

     Would you say your own health, in general, is
     excellent, good, fair, or poor?

       PCT      N  VALUE  LABEL
      31.7   7667      1  EXCELLENT
      43.2  10447      2  GOOD
      19.2   4641      3  FAIR
       6.0   1454      4  POOR
               11      8  DK
               45      9  NA
             8115      .  (No Data)
            32380 cases

     Type: numeric     Min: 1     MD Codes: 0
     Decimals:   0     Max: 4

     Input location: 1/575

life               IS LIFE EXCITING OR DULL

     In general, do you find life exciting, pretty routine,
     or dull?

       PCT      N  VALUE  LABEL
      45.3   9439      1  EXCITING
      49.5  10317      2  ROUTINE
       5.2   1093      3  DULL
              111      8  DK
              202      9  NA
            11218      .  (No Data)
            32380 cases

     Type: numeric     Min: 1     MD Codes: 0
     Decimals:   0     Max: 3

     Input location: 1/576

Human Nature Part Two


     Would you say that most of the time people try to be
     helpful, or that they are mostly just looking out for

       PCT      N  VALUE  LABEL
      50.6  11293      1  HELPFUL
      44.1   9828      2  LOOKOUT FOR SELF
       5.3   1182      3  DEPENDS
              134      8  DK
               46      9  NA
             9897      .  (No Data)
            32380 cases

     Type: numeric     Min: 1     MD Codes: 0
     Decimals:   0     Max: 3

     Input location: 1/577


     Do you think most people would try to take advantage
     of you if they got a chance, or would they try to be

       PCT      N  VALUE  LABEL
      35.6   7933      1  TAKE ADVANTAGE
      59.2  13169      2  FAIR
       5.2   1160      3  DEPENDS
              174      8  DK
               47      9  NA
             9897      .  (No Data)
            32380 cases

     Type: numeric     Min: 1     MD Codes: 0
     Decimals:   0     Max: 3

     Input location: 1/578

trust              CAN PEOPLE BE TRUSTED

     Generally speaking, would you say that most people can
     be trusted or that you can't be too careful in dealing
     with people?

       PCT      N  VALUE  LABEL
      40.7   8778      1  CAN TRUST
      55.5  11974      2  CANNOT TRUST
       3.8    819      3  DEPENDS
               69      8  DK
               48      9  NA
            10692      .  (No Data)
            32380 cases

     Type: numeric     Min: 1     MD Codes: 0
     Decimals:   0     Max: 3

     Input location: 1/579


     Do you think most people can be trusted?

       PCT      N  VALUE  LABEL
      57.6    443      1  YES
      42.4    326      2  NO
               21      8  DK
                5      9  NA
            31585      .  (No Data)
            32380 cases

     Type: numeric     Min: 1     MD Codes: 0
     Decimals:   0     Max: 2

     Input location: 1/580

Personal Satisfaction

satcity            CITY OR PLACE R LIVES IN

     For each area of life I am going to name, tell me the
     number that shows how much satisfaction you get from
     that area: the city or place you live in.

       PCT      N  VALUE  LABEL
      18.5   4468      1  VERY GREAT DEAL
      28.9   6982      2  GREAT DEAL
      17.8   4294      3  QUITE A BIT
      20.9   5032      4  A FAIR AMOUNT
       7.0   1679      5  SOME
       4.9   1174      6  A LITTLE
       2.1    504      7  NONE
               43      8  DK
               68      9  NA
             8136      .  (No Data)
            32380 cases

     Type: numeric     Min: 1     MD Codes: 0
     Decimals:   0     Max: 7

     Input location: 1/581


     For each area of life I am going to name, tell me the
     number that shows how much satisfaction you get from
     that area: your non-working activities--hobbies and so

       PCT      N  VALUE  LABEL
      23.3   5593      1  VERY GREAT DEAL
      33.1   7965      2  GREAT DEAL
      17.8   4287      3  QUITE A BIT
      12.5   3010      4  A FAIR AMOUNT
       5.5   1312      5  SOME
       4.2   1018      6  A LITTLE
       3.5    849      7  NONE
              127      8  DK
               83      9  NA
             8136      .  (No Data)
            32380 cases

     Type: numeric     Min: 1     MD Codes: 0
     Decimals:   0     Max: 7

     Input location: 1/582

satfam             FAMILY LIFE

     For each area of life I am going to name, tell me the
     number that shows how much satisfaction you get from
     that area: your family life.

       PCT      N  VALUE  LABEL
      41.8  10065      1  VERY GREAT DEAL
      33.4   8032      2  GREAT DEAL
      10.8   2588      3  QUITE A BIT
       7.1   1721      4  A FAIR AMOUNT
       3.0    713      5  SOME
       2.2    520      6  A LITTLE
       1.8    431      7  NONE
               73      8  DK
              100      9  NA
             8137      .  (No Data)
            32380 cases

     Type: numeric     Min: 1     MD Codes: 0
     Decimals:   0     Max: 7

     Input location: 1/583

satfrnd            FRIENDSHIPS

     For each area of life I am going to name, tell me the
     number that shows how much satisfaction you get from
     that area: your friendships.

       PCT      N  VALUE  LABEL
      30.2   7280      1  VERY GREAT DEAL
      39.5   9531      2  GREAT DEAL
      15.2   3662      3  QUITE A BIT
       9.4   2277      4  A FAIR AMOUNT
       3.0    729      5  SOME
       2.0    482      6  A LITTLE
       0.7    167      7  NONE
               36      8  DK
               80      9  NA
             8136      .  (No Data)
            32380 cases

     Type: numeric     Min: 1     MD Codes: 0
     Decimals:   0     Max: 7

     Input location: 1/584


     For each area of life I am going to name, tell me the
     number that shows how much satisfaction you get from
     that area: your health and physical condition.

       PCT      N  VALUE  LABEL
      26.6   6426      1  VERY GREAT DEAL
      32.9   7944      2  GREAT DEAL
      15.0   3618      3  QUITE A BIT
      14.9   3599      4  A FAIR AMOUNT
       4.6   1099      5  SOME
       3.9    930      6  A LITTLE
       2.1    505      7  NONE
               48      8  DK
               75      9  NA
             8136      .  (No Data)
            32380 cases

     Type: numeric     Min: 1     MD Codes: 0
     Decimals:   0     Max: 7

     Input location: 1/585


Confidence in Institutions


     I am going to name some institutions in this country.
     As far as the people running these institutions are
     concerned, would you say you have a great deal
     confidence, only some confidence, or hardly any
     confidence at all in them? Banks and financial

       PCT      N  VALUE  LABEL
      27.2   5896      1  A GREAT DEAL
      56.4  12244      2  ONLY SOME
      16.4   3570      3  HARDLY ANY
              488      8  DK
               74      9  NA
            10108      .  (No Data)
            32380 cases

     Type: numeric     Min: 1     MD Codes: 0
     Decimals:   0     Max: 3

     Input location: 1/586


     I am going to name some institutions in this country.
     As far as the people running these institutions are
     concerned, would you say you have a great deal
     confidence, only some confidence, or hardly any
     confidence at all in them? Major companies.

       PCT      N  VALUE  LABEL
      26.0   6239      1  A GREAT DEAL
      60.2  14470      2  ONLY SOME
      13.8   3327      3  HARDLY ANY
             1150      8  DK
               74      9  NA
             7120      .  (No Data)
            32380 cases

     Type: numeric     Min: 1     MD Codes: 0
     Decimals:   0     Max: 3

     Input location: 1/587


     I am going to name some institutions in this country.
     As far as the people running these institutions are
     concerned, would you say you have a great deal
     confidence, only some confidence, or hardly any
     confidence at all in them? Organized religion.

       PCT      N  VALUE  LABEL
      30.7   7456      1  A GREAT DEAL
      49.4  11971      2  ONLY SOME
      19.9   4829      3  HARDLY ANY
              908      8  DK
               96      9  NA
             7120      .  (No Data)
            32380 cases

     Type: numeric     Min: 1     MD Codes: 0
     Decimals:   0     Max: 3

     Input location: 1/588

coneduc            CONFIDENCE IN EDUCATION

     I am going to name some institutions in this country.
     As far as the people running these institutions are
     concerned, would you say you have a great deal
     confidence, only some confidence, or hardly any
     confidence at all in them? Education.

       PCT      N  VALUE  LABEL
      32.8   8115      1  A GREAT DEAL
      55.0  13613      2  ONLY SOME
      12.3   3043      3  HARDLY ANY
              393      8  DK
               96      9  NA
             7120      .  (No Data)
            32380 cases

     Type: numeric     Min: 1     MD Codes: 0
     Decimals:   0     Max: 3

     Input location: 1/589


     I am going to name some institutions in this country.
     As far as the people running these institutions are
     concerned, would you say you have a great deal
     confidence, only some confidence, or hardly any
     confidence at all in them? Executive branch of the
     federal government.

       PCT      N  VALUE  LABEL
      17.8   4351      1  A GREAT DEAL
      54.1  13218      2  ONLY SOME
      28.1   6883      3  HARDLY ANY
              729      8  DK
               79      9  NA
             7120      .  (No Data)
            32380 cases

     Type: numeric     Min: 1     MD Codes: 0
     Decimals:   0     Max: 3

     Input location: 1/590


     I am going to name some institutions in this country.
     As far as the people running these institutions are
     concerned, would you say you have a great deal
     confidence, only some confidence, or hardly any
     confidence at all in them? Organized labor.

       PCT      N  VALUE  LABEL
      12.2   2907      1  A GREAT DEAL
      53.8  12836      2  ONLY SOME
      34.0   8118      3  HARDLY ANY
             1310      8  DK
               89      9  NA
             7120      .  (No Data)
            32380 cases

     Type: numeric     Min: 1     MD Codes: 0
     Decimals:   0     Max: 3

     Input location: 1/591

conpress           CONFIDENCE IN PRESS

     I am going to name some institutions in this country.
     As far as the people running these institutions are
     concerned, would you say you have a great deal
     confidence, only some confidence, or hardly any
     confidence at all in them? Press.

       PCT      N  VALUE  LABEL
      19.5   4800      1  A GREAT DEAL
      57.1  14069      2  ONLY SOME
      23.4   5754      3  HARDLY ANY
              544      8  DK
               93      9  NA
             7120      .  (No Data)
            32380 cases

     Type: numeric     Min: 1     MD Codes: 0
     Decimals:   0     Max: 3

     Input location: 1/592

conmedic           CONFIDENCE IN MEDICINE

     I am going to name some institutions in this country.
     As far as the people running these institutions are
     concerned, would you say you have a great deal
     confidence, only some confidence, or hardly any
     confidence at all in them? Medicine.

       PCT      N  VALUE  LABEL
      49.8  12390      1  A GREAT DEAL
      42.9  10682      2  ONLY SOME
       7.3   1804      3  HARDLY ANY
              295      8  DK
               89      9  NA
             7120      .  (No Data)
            32380 cases

     Type: numeric     Min: 1     MD Codes: 0
     Decimals:   0     Max: 3

     Input location: 1/593


     I am going to name some institutions in this country.
     As far as the people running these institutions are
     concerned, would you say you have a great deal
     confidence, only some confidence, or hardly any
     confidence at all in them? TV.

       PCT      N  VALUE  LABEL
      15.3   3802      1  A GREAT DEAL
      56.6  14017      2  ONLY SOME
      28.1   6955      3  HARDLY ANY
              383      8  DK
              103      9  NA
             7120      .  (No Data)
            32380 cases

     Type: numeric     Min: 1     MD Codes: 0
     Decimals:   0     Max: 3

     Input location: 1/594


     I am going to name some institutions in this country.
     As far as the people running these institutions are
     concerned, would you say you have a great deal
     confidence, only some confidence, or hardly any
     confidence at all in them? U.S. Supreme Court.

       PCT      N  VALUE  LABEL
      33.0   7953      1  A GREAT DEAL
      52.4  12615      2  ONLY SOME
      14.6   3525      3  HARDLY ANY
             1071      8  DK
               95      9  NA
             7121      .  (No Data)
            32380 cases

     Type: numeric     Min: 1     MD Codes: 0
     Decimals:   0     Max: 3

     Input location: 1/595


     I am going to name some institutions in this country.
     As far as the people running these institutions are
     concerned, would you say you have a great deal
     confidence, only some confidence, or hardly any
     confidence at all in them? Scientific Community.

       PCT      N  VALUE  LABEL
      43.3   9976      1  A GREAT DEAL
      49.5  11411      2  ONLY SOME
       7.2   1659      3  HARDLY ANY
             2088      8  DK
              126      9  NA
             7120      .  (No Data)
            32380 cases

     Type: numeric     Min: 1     MD Codes: 0
     Decimals:   0     Max: 3

     Input location: 1/596

conlegis           CONFIDENCE IN CONGRESS

     I am going to name some institutions in this country.
     As far as the people running these institutions are
     concerned, would you say you have a great deal
     confidence, only some confidence, or hardly any
     confidence at all in them? Congress.

       PCT      N  VALUE  LABEL
      14.5   3547      1  A GREAT DEAL
      60.5  14782      2  ONLY SOME
      25.0   6108      3  HARDLY ANY
              725      8  DK
               98      9  NA
             7120      .  (No Data)
            32380 cases

     Type: numeric     Min: 1     MD Codes: 0
     Decimals:   0     Max: 3

     Input location: 1/597

conarmy            CONFIDENCE IN MILITARY

     I am going to name some institutions in this country.
     As far as the people running these institutions are
     concerned, would you say you have a great deal
     confidence, only some confidence, or hardly any
     confidence at all in them? Military.

       PCT      N  VALUE  LABEL
      36.0   8765      1  A GREAT DEAL
      50.5  12314      2  ONLY SOME
      13.5   3291      3  HARDLY ANY
              807      8  DK
               83      9  NA
             7120      .  (No Data)
            32380 cases

     Type: numeric     Min: 1     MD Codes: 0
     Decimals:   0     Max: 3

     Input location: 1/598


     I am going to name some institutions in this country.
     Some people have complete confidence in the people
     running these institutions. Suppose these people are
     at one end of the scale at point numer 1. Other people
     have no confidence at all in the people running these
     institutions. Suppose these people are at the other
     end, at point 7. And, or course, other people have
     opinions somewhere in between at point 2, 3, 4, 5, or
     6. Where would you place yourself on this scale for:
     Banks and financial institutions.

       PCT      N  VALUE  LABEL
      13.5     63      1  COMPLETE CONFIDENCE
      19.7     92      2
      21.0     98      3
      24.0    112      4
       8.4     39      5
       6.9     32      6
       6.6     31      7  NO CONFIDENCE
                9      8  DK
                8      9  NA
            31896      .  (No Data)
            32380 cases

     Type: numeric     Min: 1     MD Codes: 0
     Decimals:   0     Max: 7

     Input location: 1/599

conbusy            MAJOR COMPANIES -- VERSION Z

     Where would you place yourself on this scale for:
     Major companies.

       PCT      N  VALUE  LABEL
      11.4     52      1  COMPLETE CONFIDENCE
      16.6     76      2
      22.3    102      3
      31.0    142      4
      12.0     55      5
       3.5     16      6
       3.3     15      7  NO CONFIDENCE
               20      8  DK
                6      9  NA
            31896      .  (No Data)
            32380 cases

     Type: numeric     Min: 1     MD Codes: 0
     Decimals:   0     Max: 7

     Input location: 1/600

conclery           ORGANIZED RELIGION -- VERSION Z

     Where would you place yourself on this scale for:
     Organized religion.

       PCT      N  VALUE  LABEL
      17.9     83      1  COMPLETE CONFIDENCE
      17.2     80      2
      17.7     82      3
      20.0     93      4
      10.6     49      5
       8.8     41      6
       7.8     36      7  NO CONFIDENCE
               13      8  DK
                7      9  NA
            31896      .  (No Data)
            32380 cases

     Type: numeric     Min: 1     MD Codes: 0
     Decimals:   0     Max: 7

     Input location: 1/601

coneducy           EDUCATION -- VERSION Z

     Where would you place yourself on this scale for:

       PCT      N  VALUE  LABEL
       8.9     42      1  COMPLETE CONFIDENCE
      17.2     81      2
      19.5     92      3
      20.8     98      4
      17.2     81      5
      11.7     55      6
       4.9     23      7  NO CONFIDENCE
                6      8  DK
                6      9  NA
            31896      .  (No Data)
            32380 cases

     Type: numeric     Min: 1     MD Codes: 0
     Decimals:   0     Max: 7

     Input location: 1/602

confedy            EXEC BRANCH FED GOVT -- VERSION Z

     Where would you place yourself on this scale for:
     Executive branch of the federal government.

       PCT      N  VALUE  LABEL
       7.5     35      1  COMPLETE CONFIDENCE
      14.5     68      2
      14.5     68      3
      22.8    107      4
      14.9     70      5
      13.2     62      6
      12.6     59      7  NO CONFIDENCE
                9      8  DK
                6      9  NA
            31896      .  (No Data)
            32380 cases

     Type: numeric     Min: 1     MD Codes: 0
     Decimals:   0     Max: 7

     Input location: 1/603

conlaboy           ORGANIZED LABOR -- VERSION Z

     Where would you place yourself on this scale for:
     Organized labor.

       PCT      N  VALUE  LABEL
       6.5     30      1  COMPLETE CONFIDENCE
       9.7     45      2
      14.2     66      3
      25.4    118      4
      17.2     80      5
      13.8     64      6
      13.1     61      7  NO CONFIDENCE
               14      8  DK
                6      9  NA
            31896      .  (No Data)
            32380 cases

     Type: numeric     Min: 1     MD Codes: 0
     Decimals:   0     Max: 7

     Input location: 1/604

conpresy           PRESS -- VERSION Z

     Where would you place yourself on this scale for:

       PCT      N  VALUE  LABEL
       8.5     40      1  COMPLETE CONFIDENCE
      14.2     67      2
      16.1     76      3
      24.6    116      4
      15.0     71      5
      14.6     69      6
       7.0     33      7  NO CONFIDENCE
                6      8  DK
                6      9  NA
            31896      .  (No Data)
            32380 cases

     Type: numeric     Min: 1     MD Codes: 0
     Decimals:   0     Max: 7

     Input location: 1/605

conmediy           MEDICINE -- VERSION Z

     Where would you place yourself on this scale for:

       PCT      N  VALUE  LABEL
      18.0     85      1  COMPLETE CONFIDENCE
      29.2    138      2
      20.1     95      3
      14.0     66      4
       8.9     42      5
       5.7     27      6
       4.0     19      7  NO CONFIDENCE
                3      8  DK
                9      9  NA
            31896      .  (No Data)
            32380 cases

     Type: numeric     Min: 1     MD Codes: 0
     Decimals:   0     Max: 7

     Input location: 1/606

contvy             TELEVISION -- VERSION Z

     Where would you place yourself on this scale for: TV.

       PCT      N  VALUE  LABEL
       7.4     35      1  COMPLETE CONFIDENCE
      10.8     51      2
      13.8     65      3
      28.4    134      4
      15.7     74      5
      13.8     65      6
      10.2     48      7  NO CONFIDENCE
                6      8  DK
                6      9  NA
            31896      .  (No Data)
            32380 cases

     Type: numeric     Min: 1     MD Codes: 0
     Decimals:   0     Max: 7

     Input location: 1/607


     Where would you place yourself on this scale for:
     United States Supreme Court.

       PCT      N  VALUE  LABEL
      11.4     52      1  COMPLETE CONFIDENCE
      23.1    106      2
      20.3     93      3
      19.4     89      4
      11.1     51      5
       8.1     37      6
       6.6     30      7  NO CONFIDENCE
               20      8  DK
                6      9  NA
            31896      .  (No Data)
            32380 cases

     Type: numeric     Min: 1     MD Codes: 0
     Decimals:   0     Max: 7

     Input location: 1/608


     Where would you place yourself on this scale for:
     Scientific community.

       PCT      N  VALUE  LABEL
      14.3     64      1  COMPLETE CONFIDENCE
      27.4    122      2
      22.4    100      3
      19.7     88      4
       7.0     31      5
       6.3     28      6
       2.9     13      7  NO CONFIDENCE
               30      8  DK
                8      9  NA
            31896      .  (No Data)
            32380 cases

     Type: numeric     Min: 1     MD Codes: 0
     Decimals:   0     Max: 7

     Input location: 1/609

conlegiy           CONGRESS -- VERSION Z

     Where would you place yourself on this scale for:

       PCT      N  VALUE  LABEL
       4.3     20      1  COMPLETE CONFIDENCE
      11.4     53      2
      19.6     91      3
      27.8    129      4
      17.7     82      5
      11.9     55      6
       7.3     34      7  NO CONFIDENCE
               10      8  DK
               10      9  NA
            31896      .  (No Data)
            32380 cases

     Type: numeric     Min: 1     MD Codes: 0
     Decimals:   0     Max: 7

     Input location: 1/610

conarmyy           MILITARY -- VERISON Z

     Where would you place yourself on this scale for:

       PCT      N  VALUE  LABEL
      16.4     76      1  COMPLETE CONFIDENCE
      15.9     74      2
      17.7     82      3
      24.4    113      4
      13.8     64      5
       7.3     34      6
       4.5     21      7  NO CONFIDENCE
               13      8  DK
                7      9  NA
            31896      .  (No Data)
            32380 cases

     Type: numeric     Min: 1     MD Codes: 0
     Decimals:   0     Max: 7

     Input location: 1/611

1972-1994 General Social Survey Cumulative File