SDA 4.0 Documentation for SDALOG


sdalog - Generate a report of SDA usage


sdalog -g filename [options]


SDALOG reads the SDA logfile and generates a report on SDA usage. Note that the logfile read by SDALOG is the special file written by SDA -- not the access log maintained by the Web server software. The name of the logfile is specified in the SDA Manager as a Global Specification that applies to a group of SDA datasets.


The default output format reports the following information:

An optional format (used if a '-c' option was specified) reports the following information:


The following command-line options are recognized. Some options affect the logfile -- the pathname of the file, and which records in the logfile should be included in the report. Other options affect the output format -- whether to produce the default output or the optional IP address output. The only required option is the specification of the name of the logfile.

Log File Options

-g filename
The specified filename is the pathname of a logfile maintained by SDA. (REQUIRED)

-e filename
The specified filename contains a list of client IP addresses, or portions of addresses, (one per line) to exclude from the report. For example, the IP address used by the local system programmer might be excluded from the usual reports. Note that the IP addresses given in this file are treated as case-insensitive. For example, if '.Com' is specified, all log entries containing '.COM', or '.com' in the IP address field of the logfile will be excluded from the report.

-f filter_string
Each line of the logfile is scanned for the presence of the specified string of characters. If the string is not contained in a line, that line is excluded from the report.
This option can be repeated. Only the lines containing all of the specified filter strings will be included in the report.

-F filter_string
The specified string of characters is used as a selection filter (as with the '-f' option). However, the filter string is case-insensitive. In other words, if the specified filter string is 'gss', lines containing 'gss', 'GSS', or 'Gss' will all be included in the report.
This option can be repeated. Only the lines containing all of the specified filter strings will be included in the report.

-s study_name
In each line of the logfile, the field containing the name of the study or dataset is scanned for the presence of the specified study name. If the specified study name is not in a line, that line is excluded from the report. Note that the study names given in this file are treated as case-insensitive.
This option can be repeated, in order to include multiple specified studies in the report.

-d number
The specified number is the maximum length, in characters, of a dataset name or study name to process. If the logfile is occasionally written incorrectly by the system because of heavy Web usage, some of the fields can be run together and produce what appear to be long dataset names. Setting this option to '10', for example, will cause the SDALOG program to skip any log entries with a dataset name longer than 10 characters. This option would only be used if the list of dataset names generated by the program contained run-together names.

Output Options

-o filename
Output from SDALOG will be written to this file. If this option is not specified, output will be routed to the user's screen (standard output).

-c all
The report will list the full IP addresses of the client computers used by the SDA users (instead of the default output format). The number of procedures executed by each client will also be reported.

-c 1
Only the last segment of IP addresses (major Net domains like EDU, COM, NET, etc.) will be reported (instead of the full IP address of each user).

-c 2
The last 2 segments of IP addresses will be reported.

-c 3
The last 3 segments of IP addresses will be reported.

Miscellaneous Options

-x filename
Write lines with badly formed log entries (if any) into this file. This option is for diagnostic purposes.

Print out a list of options (but do not execute the program)


Basic example
sdalog -g SDAlog -o logreport.txt

Filter for a specific dataset (GSS2016)
sdalog -g SDAlog -s gss2016 -o logreport.txt

Get the major net domains of users
sdalog -g SDAlog -c 1 -o logreport.txt

CSM, UC Berkeley/ISA
September 5, 2017