# Language strings for output from the SDA analysis programs ADJUSTED_WALD_F = Adjusted
Wald F ADJ_R_SQ = Adjusted R-Squared ALLOCATION = Allocation of cases ALL_IND_VARS = All independent variables ALPHA = (Cronbach's) Coefficient Alpha: ANALYSIS_VAR = Analysis of Variance ANOVA_ALL = Analysis of Variance for all valid cases ANOVA_FOR = Analysis of Variance for AVGCLUSTER = Average cluster size AVG_OF = AVG OF AVG_OF_DIFFS = AVG OF DIFFS AV_CORR = Average Correlation: CAPTION_DIAGNOSTICS = Diagnostic information CASES = cases CASESLISTED = Cases listed CASES_EXCL = Cases excluded by CASES_INVAL = Cases with invalid codes on CASES_SETTOMD = Cases set to missing-data code CELLS_CONTAIN = Cells contain: CELL_VAR = cell variables CHARACTER = character CHART_FOR = Chart for CHART_FOR_ALL_VALID = Chart for all valid cases CHART_NOT_CREATED = Chart not created CH_BY = BY CH_DIFFERENCE_FROM_MEAN = Difference from Mean CH_DIFFERENCE_OF = Difference of CH_MEAN = Mean CH_MEAN_OF = Mean of CH_PERCENT = Percent CH_TOTAL = Total CH_TOTAL_OF = Total of CITOOSMALL = Confidence interval is probably too narrow, CI_FLAG = * CLUSTERSAMP = cluster sample CLUSTERVAR = Cluster variable CMPLEXSE = Complex Std Errs COEFF = Regression Coefficients COL = column COLOR_CODING = Color coding COLPCT = Column percent COLVAR = Column COL_TOTAL = COL TOTAL CONFINT90 = Confidence intervals (90 percent) CONFINT95 = Confidence intervals (95 percent) CONFINT99 = Confidence intervals (99 percent) CONFINT_ALL = Confidence interval for all valid cases CONSECUTIVEPAIRS = Consecutive pairs of clusters are combined into strata. CONSTANT = Constant CORRTAB_FOR = Corrtab for CORR_EACH_CELL = Correlation in each cell CORR_MATRIX = Correlation Matrix COVAR_MATRIX = Covariance Matrix COV_MATRIX_COEFF = Covariance Matrix Of Coefficients CREATED = Created CRI_VAR = Criterion variables CTCAPTION_STATS = Main Statistics CTRL = Control CUMU_PCT = Cumulative pct CV = CV(cluster size) DATASET = Dataset DATASETS = Datasets DATA_TYPE = Data type DEFF = Design effect (DEFF) DEFT = Design effect (DEFT) DEFTWT = Design effect due to weighting DENOMINATOR = Denominator DEPENDENT = Dependent DEPENDENT_VAR = dependent variable DESC_NEWVAR = Description of the derived variable DESC_VAR = Description of the Variable DF = Degrees of freedom DF_SMALL = df DIAGNOSTIC_ALL = Diagnostic information for all valid cases DIAGNOSTIC_FOR = Diagnostic information for DIFFS = DIFFS DIFF_FROM_COLUMN = Diff from column DIFF_FROM_OVERALL_CORR = Diff from overall corr DIFF_FROM_OVERALL_LGOR = Diff from overall log OR DIFF_FROM_OVERALL_MEAN = Diff from overall mean DIFF_FROM_ROW = Diff from row DISTRIBUTION = Distribution DIS_AVGCELLMIN = To preserve confidentiality, tables cannot be displayed unless the average number of observations in each cell is at least: DIS_AVGCELLWMIN = To preserve confidentiality, tables cannot be displayed unless the average weighted number of observations in each cell is at least: DIS_COMBEXCLUDE = To preserve confidentiality, analyses are not permitted using the following combination(s) of variables: DIS_CONTROLVAR = To preserve confidentiality, tables cannot be run with control variables. DIS_LISTCASE = To preserve confidentiality, the LISTCASE program cannot be used with this dataset. DIS_LOWPRECISION = The calculated statistic has very low precision and is not reported. DIS_MAXFILTERS = To preserve confidentiality, the number of filter variables cannot be greater than: DIS_MINCASEBYIVAR = To preserve confidentiality, regression analyses cannot be shown unless the ratio of valid observations to the number of independent variables is at least: DIS_MINCELLN = To preserve confidentiality, tables cannot be displayed unless the number of observations in each cell is at least: DIS_MINCELLWN = To preserve confidentiality, tables cannot be displayed unless the weighted number of observations in each cell is at least: DIS_MONITORVAR = To preserve confidentiality, analysis results cannot be displayed for any set of observations that has only a very small number of values on certain sensitive variables. In this case the sensitive variable(s) (and the minimum required number of valid values) was: DIS_SUBSET = To preserve confidentiality, the SUBSET program cannot be used with this dataset. DIS_UNWEIGHTEDN = To preserve confidentiality, only weighted N's can be shown. DIS_VAREXCLUDE = To preserve confidentiality, analyses are not permitted using the following variable(s): DIS_VAREXCLUDE_RECODE = To preserve confidentiality, RECODE and COMPUTE are not permitted using the following variable(s): EFFECT_EACH_VAR = Effect of each variable EXCL = EXCL EXCLUSTERSIZE = because of excessive variability in cluster size. EXPRESSION = Expression used to create the new variable FDPRT_ALL = ALL FDPRT_CASES = cases FDPRT_LABEL = LABEL FDPRT_N = N FDPRT_PCT = % FDPRT_VALID = VALID FDPRT_VALUE = VALUE FD_LABEL = Label FD_N = N FD_PCT_ALL = % All FD_PCT_VALID = % Valid FD_PERCENT = Percent FD_TOTAL = Total FD_TOTALCASES = Total Cases FD_VALUE = Value FILTER = filter FLT = Filter FOR = for FORMULA_STRAT_MEANS = Formula for stratified subclass means FREQ_DIST = Frequency Distribution FTEST = Global F-Test GLOBAL_TESTS_GROUPS = Global Tests for Groups of Variables GROUP = Group IND_VAR = Independent INFERENCE_MEAN = Inference about the mean: INPUT = Input INTERACTION = Interaction JACKKNIFE_REP_REPLICATION = Jackknife repeated replication LABEL = Label LARGER_AVG = Larger than average LARGER_EXP = Larger than expected LCSTEXT1 = There are too many cases to list here LCSTEXT2 = The maximum number of cases to display is LCSTEXT3 = Use a filter variable to restrict the number LC_INPUTVAR = input variables LC_MAX = Max LC_MDCODE_TEXT = * Code defined as missing-data or outside the valid range LC_MIN = Min LC_SUM = Sum LISTWISE = Listwise LOGIT = Logit LOGIT_COEFF = Logit Coefficients LOGIT_SCALED_AS_PROBIT = Logit scaled as Probit LOGODDS_MATRIX = Log Odds Ratio Matrix LOGOR = Log Odds Ratio LOWERLIMIT = Lower limit MAIN_EFF = Main effects MAX = maximum MAX_CHARTS_EXCEEDED = maximum number of charts per output page has been exceeded MAX_CODE_DEFINED_VALID = Maximum code defined as valid MCAPTION_STATS = Main Statistics MCA_ADJUSTED = Adjusted MCA_DEP_VAR = Dependent variable MCA_DIFFERENCE = Difference MCA_EFFECTS = Effects MCA_ETA_BETA = Eta / Partial beta MCA_INDEP_VARS = Independent variables MCA_MEANS = Means MCA_MULTI_R = Multiple R MCA_MULTI_R_SQ = Multiple R-Squared MCA_N = N MCA_OVERALL_MEAN = Overall Mean MCA_TABLE = MCA Table MCA_UNADJUSTED = Unadjusted MCA_WTDN = Wtd. N MD = MD MD_CODES = Missing-data codes MD_EXCLUD = Missing data excluded MEAN = Mean MEANS = Means MEANS_FOR = Means for MEAN_EACH_CELL = Mean in each cell MEDIAN = Median METHOD = Method MIN = minimum MIN_CODE_DEFINED_VALID = Minimum code defined as valid MISSING = Missing MSG_IN_STATS_SUM = *Row variable treated as the dependent variable. MSG_NO_ANOVA1 = No ANOVA because it is necessary to have at least 2 cells in a MSG_NO_ANOVA2 = and each of those cells must have at least 2 cases. MSG_NO_STATS = Statistics undefined for a table with just one MULT_R = Multiple R NAME = Name NEGATIVE = Negative NO_DATA = (No Data) NO_TEXT = No text for variables NUMCLUSTERS = Number of clusters NUMERATOR = Numerator NUMERIC = numeric NUMSTRATA = Number of strata N_EACH_CELL = N in each cell N_OF_CASES = N of cases ONE_STRATUM = one stratum OR_WEIGHT = or weight OUTPUT = Output P = P PAIRWISE = Pairwise PAIR_COMM = (Variable on left, pair on top) PAIR_MEAN = Paired Means PAIR_N = Paired N's PAIR_STD = Paired Standard Deviations PAIR_WN = Paired Weighted N's PEARSCORR = Pearson Corr PLUS_EXCL = +EXCL POSITIVE = Positive PROBABILITY = Probability PROBIT = Probit PROBIT_COEFF = Probit Coefficients PROPERTIES = Properties PSQ = P-Squared Matrix PSQ_COLOR = (PSQ) P_PROBABILITY = P = Probability that ALL B's equal 0 P_PROBABILITY_GROUP = P = Probability that ALL B's in the group equal 0 P_VALUE = P-value QT_TOTAL = TOTAL QT_TOTAL_N = (Total N) QT_TOTAL_PERCENT = Total Percent QT_UNWEIGHTED_N = (Unweighted N) QT_WEIGHTED_N = (Weighted N) RANGE = Range RANGE_VALID_CODES = Range of valid codes RECODED = Recoded RECODERULES = Recode rules RECODE_FOR = Recode for RECORD/COLUMN = Record/column RECORD/COLUMNS = Record/columns REGRESSION = Regression RESIDUAL = Residual REV_SIGN = Sign of correlations reversed for this variable RHO = Clustering coefficient (RHO) ROLE = Role ROW = row ROWPCT = Row percent ROWVAR = Row ROW_COL_OR_CTRL = row, column or control variable ROW_OR_COL = row or column variable ROW_OR_CTRL = row or control variable ROW_TOTAL1 = ROW ROW_TOTAL2 = TOTAL ROW_VAR = row variable R_SQ = R-Squared SAMPLE_DESIGN = Sample design SE = Std Err SEE = Std Error of Estimate SEE_ROOT_MSE = SE of Estimate (Root MSE) SELECTED_STUDY = Selected Study SETOOSMALL = Computed standard error is probably too small, SE_FLAG = ** SMALLER_AVG = Smaller than average SMALLER_EXP = Smaller than expected SRSSE = SRS Std Errs STATS_ALL = Statistics for all valid cases STATS_EXCLUDE = Statistics exclude missing-data and out-of-range values. STATS_FOR = Statistics for STDDEVS = Std Devs STDERRS = Std Errs STDERR_CALC = Standard error calculations STDERR_CALC_CONF = Standard error calculations for confidence intervals STD_DEV = Std Dev STD_ERR = Standard Errors STRATCLUSTERSAMP = stratified cluster sample STRATUMSAMP = stratified random sample STRATUMVAR = Stratum variable STUDIES = Studies STUDY = Study SUM_STATS = Summary Statistics SUM_STATS_ALL = Summary Statistics for all valid cases SYSTEM = System TABLE_FOR = Table for TAYLORSERIES = Taylor series approximation TAYLORWITHINSUB = Taylor series within each subclass TCAPTION_STATS = Frequency Distribution TEXT_FOR = Text for TOTAL = TOTAL TOTALANOV = Total TOTALS = Totals TOTAL_CASES = Total cases TOTAL_PCT = Total percent TOTAL_PLUS_EXCL = TOTAL + EXCL TTEST = Test That Each Coefficient = 0 T_STAT = T-statistic UNIVAR_FOR = Univar for UNIV_STATS = Univariate Statistics UNWEIGHTED = (unweighted) UNWEIGHTED_N = Unweighted N UPPERLIMIT = Upper limit VALID_CASES = Valid cases VALID_NEWVAR = Valid cases in new variable VALID_TOTAL = VALID TOTAL VAR = Variable VARIABLES = Variables VAR_1 = Var #1 VAR_2 = Var #2 VAR_CORR = variables correlated VAR_LOGIT = variables in the analysis VAR_REGRESSED = variables in the analysis VAR_TO_CORR = Correlate WALD_CHISQ = Wald
Chi-sq WEIGHT = weight WEIGHTED = weighted WGT = Weight WN_OF_CASES = Weighted N X_CMPTITLE = Compute X_CRLTITLE = Correl X_CTBTITLE = Corrtab X_LCSTITLE = Listcase X_LGTITLE = Logit/Probit Regression X_LVRTITLE = List of variables created in X_MNSTITLE = Means X_RCDTITLE = Recode X_RGSTITLE = Regression X_TBLTITLE = Tables Z_STAT = Z-statistic