Total value of financial assets held by household that are invested in stock, 2013 dollars
Description of the Variable
    1. directly-held stock 
    2. stock mutual funds: full value if described as stock mutual fund,
       1/2 value of combination mutual funds
    3. IRAs/Keoghs invested in stock: 
       full value if mostly invested in stock, 
       1/2 value if split between stocks/bonds or stocks/money market,
       1/3 value if split between stocks/bonds/money market
    4. other managed assets w/equity interest (annuities, trusts, MIAs):
       full value if mostly invested in stock,
       1/2 value if split between stocks/MFs & bonds/CDs, or
       1/3 value if "other"
    5. thrift-type retirement accounts invested in stock
       full value if mostly invested in stock
       1/2 value if split between stocks and interest earning assets;
NOTE:  The allocation rules for mixed investments in 3), 4), and 5) do not 
apply to 2004 since new questions in 2004 directly ask the share of stock in 
those assets.
Total Cases: 207,640 (Range of valid codes: 0.00-774879389.94)
Data type: numeric
Record/columns: 1/722-733

Selected Study: SCF Combined Extract Data