1972-1994 General Social Survey Cumulative File

creator            IMAGE OF GOD AS CREATOR

     When you think about God, how likely are each of these
     images to come to your mind? Would you say extremely
     likely, somewhat likely, not too likely, or not likely
     at all? Creator.

       PCT      N  VALUE  LABEL
      81.4   1650      1  EXTREMELY LIKELY
      13.8    279      2  SOMEWHAT LIKELY
       2.3     47      3  NOT TOO LIKELY
       2.5     50      4  NOT LIKELY AT ALL
               28      8  DK
               29      9  NA
            30297      .  (No Data)
            32380 cases

     Type: numeric     Min: 1     MD Codes: 0
     Decimals:   0     Max: 4

     Input location: 1/434

father             IMAGE OF GOD AS FATHER

     When you think about God, how likely are each of these
     images to come to your mind? Would you say extremely
     likely, somewhat likely, not too likely, or not likely
     at all? Father.

       PCT      N  VALUE  LABEL
      62.3   1258      1  EXTREMELY LIKELY
      24.2    489      2  SOMEWHAT LIKELY
       6.4    129      3  NOT TOO LIKELY
       7.1    144      4  NOT LIKELY AT ALL
               33      8  DK
               30      9  NA
            30297      .  (No Data)
            32380 cases

     Type: numeric     Min: 1     MD Codes: 0
     Decimals:   0     Max: 4

     Input location: 1/435

spouse             IMAGE OF GOD AS SPOUSE

     When you think about God, how likely are each of these
     images to come to your mind? Would you say extremely
     likely, somewhat likely, not too likely, or not likely
     at all? Spouse.

       PCT      N  VALUE  LABEL
      16.6    329      1  EXTREMELY LIKELY
      17.1    339      2  SOMEWHAT LIKELY
      26.4    524      3  NOT TOO LIKELY
      39.9    792      4  NOT LIKELY AT ALL
               66      8  DK
               33      9  NA
            30297      .  (No Data)
            32380 cases

     Type: numeric     Min: 1     MD Codes: 0
     Decimals:   0     Max: 4

     Input location: 1/436

friend             IMAGE OF GOD AS FRIEND

     When you think about God, how likely are each of these
     images to come to your mind? Would you say extremely
     likely, somewhat likely, not too likely, or not likely
     at all? Friend.

       PCT      N  VALUE  LABEL
      62.0   1257      1  EXTREMELY LIKELY
      26.4    535      2  SOMEWHAT LIKELY
       5.9    120      3  NOT TOO LIKELY
       5.7    115      4  NOT LIKELY AT ALL
               27      8  DK
               29      9  NA
            30297      .  (No Data)
            32380 cases

     Type: numeric     Min: 1     MD Codes: 0
     Decimals:   0     Max: 4

     Input location: 1/437

king               IMAGE OF GOD AS KING

     When you think about God, how likely are each of these
     images to come to your mind? Would you say extremely
     likely, somewhat likely, not too likely, or not likely
     at all? King.

       PCT      N  VALUE  LABEL
      52.1   1049      1  EXTREMELY LIKELY
      20.8    419      2  SOMEWHAT LIKELY
      13.8    278      3  NOT TOO LIKELY
      13.2    266      4  NOT LIKELY AT ALL
               43      8  DK
               28      9  NA
            30297      .  (No Data)
            32380 cases

     Type: numeric     Min: 1     MD Codes: 0
     Decimals:   0     Max: 4

     Input location: 1/438

liberatr           IMAGE OF GOD AS LIBERATOR

     When you think about God, how likely are each of these
     images to come to your mind? Would you say extremely
     likely, somewhat likely, not too likely, or not likely
     at all? Liberator.

       PCT      N  VALUE  LABEL
      43.9    868      1  EXTREMELY LIKELY
      29.6    584      2  SOMEWHAT LIKELY
      14.3    282      3  NOT TOO LIKELY
      12.2    241      4  NOT LIKELY AT ALL
               78      8  DK
               30      9  NA
            30297      .  (No Data)
            32380 cases

     Type: numeric     Min: 1     MD Codes: 0
     Decimals:   0     Max: 4

     Input location: 1/439

healer             IMAGE OF GOD AS HEALER

     When you think about God, how likely are each of these
     images to come to your mind? Would you say extremely
     likely, somewhat likely, not too likely, or not likely
     at all? Healer.

       PCT      N  VALUE  LABEL
      69.7   1407      1  EXTREMELY LIKELY
      20.9    423      2  SOMEWHAT LIKELY
       4.6     92      3  NOT TOO LIKELY
       4.9     98      4  NOT LIKELY AT ALL
               35      8  DK
               28      9  NA
            30297      .  (No Data)
            32380 cases

     Type: numeric     Min: 1     MD Codes: 0
     Decimals:   0     Max: 4

     Input location: 1/440


     There are many different ways of picturing God. We'd
     like to know the kinds of images you are most likely
     to associate with God. Here is a card with sets of
     contrasting images. On a scale of 1-7 where would you
     place your image of God between two contrasting
     images. The first set of contrasting images shows
     Mother at 1 on the scale and Father at 7. If you
     imagine God as Mother you would place yourself at 1.
     If you imagine God as a Father, you would place
     yourself at 7. If you imagine God as somewhere between
     Mother and Father, you would place yourself at 2, 3,
     4, 5, or 6. Where would you place your image of God on
     the scale for "Mother" vs. "Father."

       PCT      N  VALUE  LABEL
       3.3    425      1  MOTHER
       1.4    185      2
       2.1    268      3
      26.0   3349      4
       8.5   1087      5
       9.0   1158      6
      49.7   6387      7  FATHER
              113      8  DK
              671      9  NA
            18737      .  (No Data)
            32380 cases

     Type: numeric     Min: 1     MD Codes: 0
     Decimals:   0     Max: 7

     Input location: 1/441


     Where would you place your image of God on the scale
     for "Master" vs. "Spouse."

       PCT      N  VALUE  LABEL
      50.4   6399      1  MASTER
      10.9   1388      2
       8.2   1042      3
      20.7   2634      4
       3.6    454      5
       2.3    295      6
       3.9    489      7  SPOUSE
              165      8  DK
              777      9  NA
            18737      .  (No Data)
            32380 cases

     Type: numeric     Min: 1     MD Codes: 0
     Decimals:   0     Max: 7

     Input location: 1/442


     Where would you place your image of God on the scale
     for "Judge" vs. "Lover."

       PCT      N  VALUE  LABEL
      39.6   5040      1  JUDGE
       9.9   1261      2
       7.9   1002      3
      26.0   3310      4
       4.4    554      5
       3.5    449      6
       8.8   1117      7  LOVER
              142      8  DK
              768      9  NA
            18737      .  (No Data)
            32380 cases

     Type: numeric     Min: 1     MD Codes: 0
     Decimals:   0     Max: 7

     Input location: 1/443


     Where would you place your image of God on the scale
     for "Friend" vs. "King."

       PCT      N  VALUE  LABEL
      29.4   3777      1  FRIEND
       7.1    917      2
       4.9    633      3
      29.1   3743      4
       5.0    640      5
       4.2    535      6
      20.2   2599      7  KING
              104      8  DK
              695      9  NA
            18737      .  (No Data)
            32380 cases

     Type: numeric     Min: 1     MD Codes: 0
     Decimals:   0     Max: 7

     Input location: 1/444


     Where would you place your image of God on the scale
     for "Creator" vs. "Healer."

       PCT      N  VALUE  LABEL
      30.8   1176      1  CREATOR
       5.0    191      2
       3.7    142      3
      46.1   1761      4
       2.8    106      5
       3.1    118      6
       8.6    330      7  HEALER
               24      8  DK
              145      9  NA
            28387      .  (No Data)
            32380 cases

     Type: numeric     Min: 1     MD Codes: 0
     Decimals:   0     Max: 7

     Input location: 1/445


     Where would you place your image of God on the scale
     for "Redeemer" vs. "Liberator."

       PCT      N  VALUE  LABEL
      38.1   1445      1  REDEEMER
       7.6    288      2
       5.8    220      3
      37.7   1430      4
       3.0    113      5
       2.0     76      6
       5.8    218      7  LIBERATOR
               39      8  DK
              164      9  NA
            28387      .  (No Data)
            32380 cases

     Type: numeric     Min: 1     MD Codes: 0
     Decimals:   0     Max: 7

     Input location: 1/446

relig16            RELIGION IN WHICH RAISED

     In what religion were you raised?

       PCT      N  VALUE  LABEL
      65.7  20123      1  PROTESTANT
      27.3   8364      2  CATHOLIC
       2.2    671      3  JEWISH
       3.4   1040      4  NONE
       1.4    437      5  OTHER
                2      8  DK
              130      9  NA
             1613      .  (No Data)
            32380 cases

     Type: numeric     Min: 1     MD Codes: 0
     Decimals:   0     Max: 5

     Input location: 1/451


     IF PROTESTANT: What specific denomination is that, if

       PCT      N  VALUE  LABEL
       1.5    310     10  AM BAPTIST ASSO
       0.7    133     11  AM BAPT CH IN USA
       0.5     97     12  NAT BAPT CONV OF AM
       0.3     64     13  NAT BAPT CONV USA
       8.7   1743     14  SOUTHERN BAPTIST
       1.9    383     15  OTHER BAPTISTS
      22.8   4577     18  BAPTIST-DK WHICH
       0.6    120     20  AFR METH EPISCOPAL
       0.2     35     21  AFR METH EP ZION
       6.5   1298     22  UNITED METHODIST
       0.7    145     23  OTHER METHODIST
      11.8   2371     28  METHODIST-DK WHICH
       1.7    331     30  AM LUTHERAN
       0.5     92     31  LUTH CH IN AMERICA
       1.6    313     32  LUTHERAN-MO SYNOD
       0.2     47     33  WI EVAN LUTH SYNOD
       0.4     90     34  OTHER LUTHERAN
       0.2     50     35  EVANGELICAL LUTH
       6.9   1387     38  LUTHERAN-DK WHICH
       0.9    179     40  PRESBYTERIAN C IN US
       1.2    250     41  UNITED PRES CH IN US
       0.4     78     42  OTHER PRESBYTERIAN
       0.2     50     43  PRESBYTERIAN, MERGED
       4.7    933     48  PRESBYTERIAN-DK WH
       3.5    704     50  EPISCOPAL
      18.1   3634     60  OTHER
       3.2    637     70  NO DENOMINATION
                6     98  DK
              188     99  NA
            12135      .  (No Data)
            32380 cases

     Type: numeric     Min: 10     MD Codes: 0
     Decimals:   0     Max: 70

     Input location: 1/452-453


     32380 cases

     Type: numeric     Min:   1     MD Codes: 0
     Decimals:   0     Max: 143

     Input location: 1/454-456

jew16              WHAT SORT OF JEW R WAS AT AGE 16

     IF JEWISH: Were you Orthodox, Conservative, Reform, or
     none of these?

       PCT      N  VALUE  LABEL
      14.7     30      1  ORTHODOX
      39.2     80      2  CONSERVATIVE
      33.8     69      3  REFORM
      12.3     25      4  NONE OF THESE
               28      9  NA
            32148      .  (No Data)
            32380 cases

     Type: numeric     Min: 1     MD Codes: 0
     Decimals:   0     Max: 4

     Input location: 1/457

fund16             HOW FUNDAMENTALIST WAS R AT AGE 16

       PCT      N  VALUE  LABEL
      33.6  10089      1  FUNDAMENTALIST
      46.8  14054      2  MODERATE
      19.6   5898      3  LIBERAL
              726      9  NA-EXCLUDED
             1613      .  (No Data)
            32380 cases

     Type: numeric     Min: 1     MD Codes: 0
     Decimals:   0     Max: 3

     Input location: 1/458


     What is your (SPOUSE'S) religious preference? Is it
     Protestant, Catholic, Jewish, some other religion, or
     no religion?

       PCT      N  VALUE  LABEL
      64.7  11014      1  PROTESTANT
      25.3   4312      2  CATHOLIC
       2.2    373      3  JEWISH
       6.0   1024      4  NONE
       1.8    298      5  OTHER
               22      8  DK
              102      9  NA
            15235      .  (No Data)
            32380 cases

     Type: numeric     Min: 1     MD Codes: 0
     Decimals:   0     Max: 5

     Input location: 1/459


     IF PROTESTANT: What specific denomination is that, if

       PCT      N  VALUE  LABEL
       1.1    116     10  AM BAPTIST ASSO
       0.4     46     11  AM BAPT CH IN USA
       0.3     35     12  NAT BAPT CONV OF AM
       0.2     22     13  NAT BAPT CONV USA
       6.8    749     14  SOUTHERN BAPTIST
       1.9    211     15  OTHER BAPTISTS
      20.1   2210     18  BAPTIST-DK WHICH
       0.3     32     20  AFR METH EPISCOPAL
       0.1     15     21  AFR METH EP ZION
       5.9    644     22  UNITED METHODIST
       0.4     39     23  OTHER METHODIST
      10.9   1195     28  METHODIST-DK WHICH
       1.6    173     30  AM LUTHERAN
       0.5     59     31  LUTH CH IN AMERICA
       1.4    153     32  LUTHERAN-MO SYNOD
       0.2     18     33  WI EVAN LUTH SYNOD
       0.3     34     34  OTHER LUTHERAN
       0.4     49     35  EVANGELICAL LUTH
       7.8    857     38  LUTHERAN-DK WHICH
       0.9     97     40  PRESBYTERIAN C IN US
       1.2    134     41  UNITED PRES CH IN US
       0.3     38     42  OTHER PRESBYTERIAN
       0.3     33     43  PRESBYTERIAN, MERGED
       4.9    535     48  PRESBYTERIAN-DK WH
       3.8    416     50  EPISCOPAL
      21.8   2388     60  OTHER
       6.2    676     70  NO DENOMINATION
               17     98  DK
              117     99  NA
            21272      .  (No Data)
            32380 cases

     Type: numeric     Min: 10     MD Codes: 0
     Decimals:   0     Max: 70

     Input location: 1/460-461


     32380 cases

     Type: numeric     Min:   1     MD Codes: 0
     Decimals:   0     Max: 140

     Input location: 1/462-464


     IF JEWISH: Does (s/he) consider (her/himself)
     Orthodox, Conservative, Reform or none of these?

       PCT      N  VALUE  LABEL
       3.5      3      1  ORTHODOX
      32.9     28      2  CONSERVATIVE
      48.2     41      3  REFORM
      15.3     13      4  NONE OF THESE
                1      8  DK
               36      9  NA
            32258      .  (No Data)
            32380 cases

     Type: numeric     Min: 1     MD Codes: 0
     Decimals:   0     Max: 4

     Input location: 1/465


       PCT      N  VALUE  LABEL
      31.5   5224      1  FUNDAMENTALIST
      46.9   7780      2  MODERATE
      21.7   3595      3  LIBERAL
              546      9  NA-EXCLUDED
            15235      .  (No Data)
            32380 cases

     Type: numeric     Min: 1     MD Codes: 0
     Decimals:   0     Max: 3

     Input location: 1/466


     In what religion was your (husband/wife) raised?

       PCT      N  VALUE  LABEL
      65.4  11053      1  PROTESTANT
      27.2   4603      2  CATHOLIC
       2.2    372      3  JEWISH
       3.6    610      4  NONE
       1.6    275      5  OTHER
               94      8  DK
              138      9  NA
            15235      .  (No Data)
            32380 cases

     Type: numeric     Min: 1     MD Codes: 0
     Decimals:   0     Max: 5

     Input location: 1/467


     IF PROTESTANT: What specific denomination is that, if

       PCT      N  VALUE  LABEL
       1.3    139     10  AM BAPTIST ASSO
       0.4     47     11  AM BAPT CH IN USA
       0.3     37     12  NAT BAPT CONV OF AM
       0.2     22     13  NAT BAPT CONV USA
       7.3    803     14  SOUTHERN BAPTIST
       1.5    169     15  OTHER BAPTISTS
      22.7   2488     18  BAPTIST-DK WHICH
       0.4     42     20  AFR METH EPISCOPAL
       0.1     13     21  AFR METH EP ZION
       5.9    644     22  UNITED METHODIST
       0.5     52     23  OTHER METHODIST
      12.9   1420     28  METHODIST-DK WHICH
       1.7    190     30  AM LUTHERAN
       0.3     38     31  LUTH CH IN AMERICA
       1.1    126     32  LUTHERAN-MO SYNOD
       0.2     19     33  WI EVAN LUTH SYNOD
       0.4     49     34  OTHER LUTHERAN
       0.2     27     35  EVANGELIC LUTH
       8.2    901     38  LUTHERAN-DK WHICH
       0.8     87     40  PRESBYTERIAN C IN US
       1.1    125     41  UNITED PRES CH IN USA
       0.2     26     42  OTHER PRESBYTERIAN
       0.2     27     43  PRESBYTERIAN, MERGED
       4.9    540     48  PRESBYTERIAN-DK WH
       3.7    405     50  EPISCOPAL
      18.8   2065     60  OTHER
       4.4    480     70  NO DENOMINATION
               48     98  DK
              156     99  NA
            21195      .  (No Data)
            32380 cases

     Type: numeric     Min: 10     MD Codes: 0
     Decimals:   0     Max: 70

     Input location: 1/468-469


     32380 cases

     Type: numeric     Min:   1     MD Codes: 0
     Decimals:   0     Max: 139

     Input location: 1/470-472

spjew16            WHAT SORT OF JEW WAS RS SPOUSE AT 16

     IF JEWISH: What (s/he) Orthodox, Conservative, Reform
     or none of these?

       PCT      N  VALUE  LABEL
      16.0     13      1  ORTHODOX
      43.2     35      2  CONSERVATIVE
      32.1     26      3  REFORM
       8.6      7      4  NONE OF THESE
                2      8  DK
               46      9  NA
            32251      .  (No Data)
            32380 cases

     Type: numeric     Min: 1     MD Codes: 0
     Decimals:   0     Max: 4

     Input location: 1/473


       PCT      N  VALUE  LABEL
      32.1   5300      1  FUNDAMENTALIST
      48.6   8017      2  MODERATE
      19.3   3193      3  LIBERAL
              635      9  NA-EXCLUDED
            15235      .  (No Data)
            32380 cases

     Type: numeric     Min: 1     MD Codes: 0
     Decimals:   0     Max: 3

     Input location: 1/474


     About how much do you contribute to your religion
     every year (not including school tuition)?

     32380 cases

     Type: numeric     Min:     0     MD Codes: none
     Decimals:   0     Max: 99997

     Input location: 1/475-479


     The United States Supreme Court has ruled that no
     state or local government may require the reading of
     the Lord's prayer or Bible verses in public schools.
     What are your views on this--do you approve or
     disapprove of the court ruling?

       PCT      N  VALUE  LABEL
      38.7   6161      1  APPROVE
      61.3   9741      2  DISAPPROVE
              553      8  DK
               44      9  NA
            15881      .  (No Data)
            32380 cases

     Type: numeric     Min: 1     MD Codes: 0
     Decimals:   0     Max: 2

     Input location: 1/480


     What are your views on the reading of the Lord's
     Prayer or Bible verses in public schools? do you think
     it should be required in all public schools, not
     allowed in any public schools, or that it should be up
     to each state or local community to decide?

       PCT      N  VALUE  LABEL
      31.8    224      1  REQUIRED
       8.5     60      2  FORBIDDEN
      59.7    420      3  LOCAL DECISION
               19      8  DK
                8      9  NA
            31649      .  (No Data)
            32380 cases

     Type: numeric     Min: 1     MD Codes: 0
     Decimals:   0     Max: 3

     Input location: 1/481


     Which of these statements comes closest to your
     feelings about prayers in the public schools? The
     Lord's prayer or some Bible verse should be read
     daily. There should be a moment for silent prayer or
     meditation daily. No prayer or other religious
     observances should be held in the public schools.
     Other (SPECIFY).

       PCT      N  VALUE  LABEL
      28.7    209      1  PRAYER READ DAILY
      52.5    382      2  SILENT MEDITATION
      17.3    126      3  NO PRAYERS
       1.5     11      4  OTHER
                5      8  DK
                7      9  NA
            31640      .  (No Data)
            32380 cases

     Type: numeric     Min: 1     MD Codes: 0
     Decimals:   0     Max: 4

     Input location: 1/482

bible              FEELINGS ABOUT THE BIBLE

     Which of these statements comes closest to describing
     your feelings about the Bible? a. The Bible is the
     actual word of God and is to be taken literally. b.
     The Bible is the inspired word of God but not
     everything in it should be taken literally, word for
     word. c. The Bible is an ancient book of fables,
     legends, history, and moral precepts recorded by men.

       PCT      N  VALUE  LABEL
      35.1   3564      1  WORD OF GOD
      49.0   4977      2  INSPIRED WORD
      15.3   1553      3  BOOK OF FABLES
       0.7     71      4  OTHER
              192      8  DK
               77      9  NA
            21946      .  (No Data)
            32380 cases

     Type: numeric     Min: 1     MD Codes: 0
     Decimals:   0     Max: 4

     Input location: 1/483


     Here are four statements about the Bible, and I'd like
     you to tell me which is closest to your own view. a.
     The Bible is God's Word and all it says is true. b.
     The Bible was written by men inspired by god, but it
     contains some human errors. c. The Bible is a good
     book because it was written by wise men, but God had
     nothing to do with it. d. The Bible was written by men
     who lived so long ago that it is worth very little

       PCT      N  VALUE  LABEL
      46.5    852      1  GOD'S WORD
      45.9    841      2  INSPIRED BY GOD
       5.6    103      3  WRITTEN BY MAN
       1.4     26      4  NOT WORTH MUCH
       0.7     12      5  OTHER
               22      8  DK
               32      9  NA
            30492      .  (No Data)
            32380 cases

     Type: numeric     Min: 1     MD Codes: 0
     Decimals:   0     Max: 5

     Input location: 1/484

1972-1994 General Social Survey Cumulative File